

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Robert Stevens — SYRIZA makes fresh pledge to defend Greek capitalism

SYRIZA folds.

SYRIZA makes fresh pledge to defend Greek capitalism
Robert Stevens


  1. "despite its radical pretensions, SYRIZA does not oppose the Greek state"

    So now we think opposing the existence of a civil government is a good idea?

    Chaos is a good idea?

    I have news for these libertarian people we will never not have civil govt in the west...

    Grow up and make some adult proposals. .. sheesh..

  2. Predictable that Syriza would fold. They've been wishy-washy on economic policy from day one.

    The sad thing is that if you are a Greek who wants to leave the Euro, put people back to work, and limit immigration, then your only viable choice on the ballot is the Neo-Nazis.

    The so-called left can't get its act together.
