

Friday, January 16, 2015

Is The USA Toppling Like GM? From It's Own, Stubborn Clumsiness?

  (Commentary posted by Roger Erickson)

Latest example? Now the DHS says itself that it is a terrifyingly expensive flop.
A report assessing the Department of Homeland Security since its formation in 2002 finds mission-critical failures across all five of the DHS sectors, and struggles to prove the DHS is effective. 
"Like some toxic jug of moonshine, [security software code - not to mention other entire projects] was passed around among agency and contract personnel until, $1.2 billion later, it still didn't work."
The constant causality?
"insufficient agency management"
The only question not addressed here is ..... what to do instead?

Just keep throwing more $ at what doesn't & can't work?

Or just close down, & put the Constitution into storage? 

Anything in between those 2 options?

Oh, and, either way, continue de-regulating anything & everything that should be adequately regulated? That'll fix it!

We can't change anymore? Is the USA toppling, from it's own, stubborn clumsiness?

No wonder Neo-Liberal rats have been abandoning the USA. They knew all along that they could never go wrong shorting themselves and their own policies.

For the rest of us, there's a choice looming. There are ALWAYS complications. It's what we do about them that makes the difference between tuning and giving up, between suicide and intelligent self-regulation.


  1. The inability of the DHS to accomplish its mandate may be a good thing. Just sayin' ;)
