

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

John T. Harvey — What The EU Can Learn From The National Football League

John develops a nice analogy that even Forbes readers should be able to get.
On Monday, the anti-austerity party SYRIZA won a decisive victory in Greek parliamentary elections. This throws into question not only the government’s stance with respect to the various bailout and austerity packages, but even their continued membership in the EU. As well it should, for the game is stacked against them and those who write the rules are making sure it stays that way.…
Forbes — Pragmatic Economics
What The EU Can Learn From The National Football League
John T. Harvey | Professor of Economics, Texas Christian University

BTW, Yanis Varoufakis has been named finance minister.

Note — I am taking a vacation to visit family and friends, so light posting for a few days. I'll try to keep up with the comments though.

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