

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

The information you will learn from the Daily Treasury Statement will not only make you a better investor and forecaster, it will probably shock you and maybe even make you angry!

Three more days to register for my Understanding the Daily Treasury Statement course.

Here are a few of the things you wil come to understand:

Did you know that the U.S. government “paid back” $67 TRILLION to investors LAST YEAR? And our leaders are talking about cutting Social Security to seniors because 40 years from now the SS trust fund will supposedly have a shortfall of $4 trillion?
This is in the Daily Treasury Statement. It’s from the Treasury’s own records.
Did you know that leading flows (spending) to the economy have been very strong, yet government spending as reported in the officially released GDP report shows it as being down? 
This is in the Daily Treasury Statement.
Did you know that we spend 50 times more on interest on public debt than on food stamps?
This is in the Daily Treasury Statement.
Did you know that last February, the Federal Gov’t sent out $120 billion in tax refunds? And it will do it again this February. And it happens every year?
You’ll learn this from the Daily Treasury Statement.
Do you know why there is an expression, “Sell in May and walk away?” when it comes to the stock market?
The Daily Treasury Statement will explain this seasonal effect and why it is so predictable. (And by the way, stock market investors and analysts don’t know the real reason why.)

There is so much more.

If you are an investor, trader, economist, student or just someone interested in getting some real knowledge and insight into the massive finances of our Federal Government and how it affects everything from incomes to investment to savings to the economy then this course is for you.

If you want to be able to make better economic forecasts—for your business, for yourself, for your job, for any reason—better than any computer model, PhD economist or Wall Street analyst with just a few minutes of time per day then this course is for you.

If you want to shock and astound your friends and co-workers and turn them on to information that they have never seen or heard before, making you look like someone with a secret connection deep inside the government, then this course is for you.

If you want to see how our politicians and academics and pundits lie to us or, deceive us or, show how little they really know, this course is for you.

This course will open your eyes. It might even make you mad. It surely will make you a better investor or forecaster of the economy.

Bottom line: It’s well worth the $225. Sign up today. It will change the way you see everything. I guarantee it.

-Mike Norman
Mike Norman's "Understanding the Daily Treasury Statement"

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