

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Ellen Brown — The Trans-Pacific Partnership and the Death of the Republic

Ellen is a lawyer. She spells out the implications of what we know about the trade agreements that are being fast-tracked without public debate.

See also:

Noam Chomsky: Every Word in the Phrase ‘Free Trade Agreement’ Is False

Opponents need to attack TPP and TIPP based on national sovereignty. Any diminution of national sovereignty would create a flurry of outrage on the right and the GOP would be forced to back off with their base in an uproar.
Ron Paul says Free Trade Agreements erode National sovereignty, destroy jobs, and only serves the special interests. So-called "Free Trade" is Government-managed trade. 
When Noam Chomsky and Ron Paul agree, you can be sure that something is up.


  1. What do you guys think about Joe Firestone's article here

  2. I think it is far-fetched that monetary sovereignty is at risk owing to ISDS since it would basically mean that parties could sue for fx losses from supposed currency manipulation or losses from interest rate risk or inflation owing to monetary policy.

    That's not really what at issue in loss of national sovereignty. The real loss is the curtailing of government's ability to regulate domestic affairs such as environmental quality and public safety if it harms transnational corporate interests.

    However, it is not the US that faces the principle liability to sovereignty here or the US would not be pushing for the agreements. This is primarily a political favor to US transnationals using US arm-twisting.

  3. "When Noam Chomsky and Ron Paul agree, you can be sure that something is up."

    All that tells me is that two paranoid crackpots agree. I'm much more interested in the objections of serious people.
