

Friday, April 24, 2015

The Coming GOP Divide Get ready for an intra-party debate on entitlement reform.

Bring it on...

"Paul Ryan pushed his party to get serious about entitlement reform. Spending on Social Security, Medicaid, and Medicare is the main driver of our growing national debt, and the failure to address it, Ryan has long argued, is propelling the United States toward economic ruin. 
Though many in his party understood the math,
Fuck Ryan and all the other libertarian morons, kick them out of the party and let them go and try to reestablish the Confederacy or whatever it is that their libertarian scrambled eggs for brains really want to do.

"Understood the math"... LOL!

These disgraced pieces of human libertarian garbage run their lives by the "light" of an ex post national accounting scheme that for them only has one side; "understood the math" HA!  They are complete mathematical morons.

They are driving in an ex post rear view mirror and will get us all killed either by acquiescing to the Democrat supporters of abortion on the front end, death panels on the back end or the ISIS head-cutters in the mean time, take your pick.

They are all a disgrace to the party of Lincoln and should be kicked in the ass on the way out the door of the GOP.

End of rant.... Happy Friday!  :)


  1. You can't talk reason to Libertarians they only do hegemonic myths like religious fundamentalists:-


    Do you believe that personal retirement accounts can help us achieve solvency for the system and make those future retiree benefits more secure?


    Well, I wouldn’t say that the pay-as-you-go benefits are insecure in the sense that there’s nothing to prevent the federal government from creating as much money as it wants and paying it to somebody. The question is how do you set up a system which assures that the real assets are created which those benefits are employed to purchase.

  2. I want to frame this rant.


    Greenspan's comments went right over Ryan's clueless head.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Mike,

    Greenspan's answer didn't go over Ryan's head.

    For something to go over one's head would mean that, although both participants were talking the same language, one of the participants could not initially understand the other participant's argument.

    In this case, he literally cannot understand Greenspan. Greenspan may as well have been talking Sanskrit. Look at Ryan's face. His internal processing unit is flashing DOES NOT COMPUTE.

    Because Ryan's head is befuddled with Randian and Rothbardian mumbo-jumbo, Ryan's brain just cannot make sense of what is being said. Ryan and his likeminded Tea Party cultists aren't malicious in the way the neoconservatives are. On the whole, they're just very simple people who think in very simple ways. Mongo like candy.

    To be fair to the libertarians, unlike the Democrats and the Republicans and their two respective bases, they did oppose the imperial wars that led to the creation of the ISIS headchoppers and the jihadi takeover of large parts of Libya, Yemen, Iraq, Syria, Somalia, etc.

  5. John,

    Exactly. That's what I meant with respect to my comment on Ryan.

  6. What's particularly irritating is that while people are ranting and raving over entries on a spreadsheet, the actual real production system is degrading day-by-day.

    And we can't have that if we're to support the greater body of elderly in retirement.

    But then it is the fault of the older population. It would be perfectly reasonable for the younger generation to say "It doesn't matter if you have millions of dollars, we're not sharing the bread we've made with you because there isn't enough".

    Time to watch Logan's Run again...
