

Tuesday, April 28, 2015


What is the libertarian Levin complaining about? I would think that the City of Baltimore has to look like a libertarian paradise this week.

And this is rich coming from the state subsidized billionaire VP of the Baltimore Orioles:

" and suffering at the butt end of an ever-more militarized and aggressive surveillance state..."

LOL! Where is it? The police had to immediately turn the situation over to state level authority and the Maryland National Guard.

Libertarians are all delusional.


  1. Peaceful protest is a joke. It's a privilege reserved for the white upper class and believe me, being "white" does not even qualify you. You have to be affluent.

    I saw how peaceful protest turned out in the "Occupy Wall Street" protests in NYC back in 2011. Militarized NYPD cracking the heads open of young "demonstrators" who were just sitting there holding homemade paper signs, bother no one. We saw it at UC Davis.

    There's your peaceful protest, okay?

    Baltimore is another sign of the society unraveling and I cannot blame those who are doing the rioting. You treat people like animals; you brutalize them enough, you make "justice" a travesty and eventually there will be an explosion.

    Take people to the point where you kill them for no reason and you make the choice between dying that way or fighting for something and dying for a cause, exactly the same. No, you make dying for a cause a lot more worthy.

  2. The West is completely decadent, we are truly doomed with so much stupidity going around.

    there is no fix to this, it has to implode.

  3. libertarian civil war imo...

    Right now the right libertarians have the upper hand and the left libertarians are revolting.

  4. From what I saw, the police were standing in a line, and not intervening in any way. Were they waiting for orders? Very strange.

  5. Come on, Mr. Franko. Levin is no libertarian and he is despised by libertarians. The government's War on Drugs which gives rise to the gangbanger culture has been attacked and attacked by libertarians since before it started.
