

Friday, June 19, 2015

Alexis Tsipras looks East — Greek PM says in his St. Petersburg speech, ‘the economic center of the planet has already shifted’

Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras sees a bright future in Eurasia. Warns Europe to change its ways, lose its ego, and stop acting like a “hub of the universe”.
Red Pill Times
Alexis Tsipras looks East. Greek PM says in his St. Petersburg speech, ‘the economic center of the planet has already shifted’
Johanna Ross


  1. Yup. A lot of good stuff at , including the Greek text of Tsipras speech. Google translate provides some choice phrases like: "the irrational economic sadism West" & "the global financial mafia".

    Also SYRIZA is not afraid of Grexit by Syriza heavyweight and Deputy Minister for Social Security Dimitris Stratoulis

    & ‘If Greece goes out, the euro might break down’ by Euclid Tsakalotos

    I don't think Syriza will really back down.

  2. I agree, Calgacus.

    Tsipras and YV had to give it their best shot in appearing reasonable, and they did. Now the eurocrats are looking juvenile for calling them juvenile.

    There is no good solution in the EZ, and its not only because of the failings in the construction. It's the pricks that running it in the interests of the clique they represent.

  3. That's always been the problem with the EU. They really believe they are the most important thing in the universe.

    The UK gave up access to the Commonwelath - which was global in nature - in order to get into bed with this insular crowd on the doorstep.

    The funny thing is this Europe/World tension has been in the UK for a very long time. The last time it happened was under the reign of George II - who was German and wanted closer ties with Europe. His son hated him and backed an alternative group that wanted naval power and a world empire.

    The result was the song 'Britannia rules the wave', success for the separatists and the birth of the Industrial Revolution and the British Empire.
