

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Sputnik — US State Apparatus Using Crises Across Globe to Keep World on a Tight Rein

The US' totalitarian national-security state apparatus created during the Cold War in order to counter the Soviet Union is now doing whatever it takes to stay in power, by enflaming new crises across the world, Jacob G. Hornberger [American author and founder of The Future of Freedom Foundation] notes...
The American people should wake up and realize that they are "being had," Mr. Hornberger stressed. They should demand a dismantling of the US present totalitarian structure, including NATO and other dubious alliances.

"That would not only bring an end to the perpetual crisis and chaos, it would also provide the foundation of a peaceful, prosperous, harmonious, and free society," the author concluded.
What say, Bernie? We know what the rest of them say. Et tu, Bernie?
US State Apparatus Using Crises Across Globe to Keep World on a Tight Rein


  1. If only the population was informed, then it would be difficult if not impossible to manipulate them into supporting the status quo.

    Then again, I suppose that is the essence of the game.

  2. Bernie?!?!?

    Bernie is too busy trying to get the deficit down ... He's a 'Deficit Hawk'...

  3. Bernie Sanders is a noble soul, however his lofty ideals would not become a reality
