

Friday, July 24, 2015

Sputnik — US Must Block Russian ‘Hybrid War’ in Crimea, Ukraine - SOCOM

Translation: The US has dug itself into a hole in Ukraine and doesn't know how to get out, now that the whole country is crashing down and support for the major party of the Ukrainian coalition government — that would be the party of Yats" whom Victoria Nuland referred to as our guy —  has declined to a dismal 2.8%.

Is that the result of widely successful Russian hybrid warfare, or US stupidity? You be the judge.

US Must Block Russian ‘Hybrid War’ in Crimea, Ukraine - SOCOM


  1. The Ukrainian regime failed to defeat the rebels in the breakaway provinces and they lost Crimea. They also destroyed the economy. What the US can do is ensure that the next government is fanatically opposed to peace with Russia. In other words, keep digging.

  2. Tom the Obama people are not the A Team ...

  3. I'd say good old been around since the year dot human stupidity: 'Peace is to feel the joy of being alive' … [Prem Pal Rawat]
