

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Jeff Desjardins — 12 Stunning Visualizations of Gold Shows Its Rarity

Nice visualization.

There's not really much gold out there.

All the gold that has been mined would fit in an Olympic-size swimming pool if melted down.

It also shows the stupidity of the notion that the fiat US dollar is going to be superseded by a gold backed currency, an idea that ISIS has been promoting, for example.

Visual Capitalist
12 Stunning Visualizations of Gold Shows Its Rarity
Jeff Desjardins


  1. "an idea that ISIS has been promoting,"

    Well it doesnt look like math was their strong subject... They seem more disposed to human anatomy...

  2. Kind of amusing that all the gold fits in one swimming pool when melted...

    So when asteroid mining starts (hopefully) the quantity could be easily doubled if some gold-rich asteroids are found.
