

Monday, September 28, 2015

Pres. Obama UN Speech from today

Obama makes his case at the UN from earlier today, in light of the current much chaos in MENA and Europe.  Not too bad imo as far as values, vision and goals, but he has access to NO qualified technical people who can implement it for him.

(FD: I did not vote for him)


  1. Not too bad imo as far as values ...

    His opening remarks:

    "The United States ... by supporting the steady emergence of strong democracies ..."

    Is the phrase "strong democracies" now considered a euphemism for "dictatorships"? Thinking of Honduras (among so, so many other examples) ;)

    "... accountable to their people."

    Very thoughtful of him to indirectly mention Saudi Arabia, don't you think? ;)

    ... but he has access to NO qualified technical people who can implement it for him.

    Barry is a pushover -- that and he has zero principles.

  2. greek if he is led to believe he is "out of money!" by his technocrats then what can he really do or propose?

  3. US Presidents are renowned for their propensity to wash away the blood on their hands. Fail.

  4. I was brought up to ignore what people say, but look at what they do. Words are cheap. Even Stalin had warm words of inclusivity and progress while he butchered millions of people.

    And Obama's actions have been truly awful. But since he talks the talk, can read off an auto cue, can deliver a joke, has an easy smile and drowns you with politeness, ergo he is a man of vision and courage - another Nelson Mandela.

  5. Matt,

    I don't know whether the Libertarian, Green, Constitution, Justice, and Socialism & Liberation parties were on the ballot were you live, but good for you that you voted for one of these rather than Obama-Biden or Romney-Ryan.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. ... if he is led to believe he is "out of money!" by his technocrats then what can he really do or propose?

    And yet when it comes to defense spending what do his technocrats whisper in his ear, that he is "in the money" or, a la Cheney, "Reagan proved that deficits don't matter"? ;)

    He's got no principles, Matt. Even before he even set foot in the WH, he was an awful man.

  8. Sorry, boys and girls, if you think US govt spending is the solution to all problems, yo need to grow up a bit.

    If you're a hawk, too bad, after Bush's disaster in Iraq, the American people are not going to support the boots on the ground necessary to 'correct' the situation, and trying to buy those boots from Turkey, the Sauds or anyone else isn't going to happen regardless of how much money you throw at them.

    And if your a dove, too bad, ISIS is still going to behead any infidel, under their broad interpretation, and Assad isn't going to stop barrel bombing his own people in his attempt to hang onto some semblance of power.

    And for the Putin lovers, who got to see his brilliant accomplishment of Stalin-rolling-in-his-grave NATO now at its borders to grab Bosphorus-locked Crimea and some 4th world Ukrainian real estate, you now get to watch him get bogged down in a Syrian quagmire that will make the Soviet's 1980s Afghanistan occupation look like a picnic at the dacha.

    I, for one, am glad we've had an adult in the White House these last several years.

  9. "I, for one, am glad we've had an adult in the White House these last several years."

    Because those gigantic terrorist training camps, courtesy of Obama, called Libya, Yemen and Syria won't come back and haunt mainland USA one day? And these aren't your lucky dipshit terrorists who murdered nearly three thousand people on 9/11. Nope, these are hardened ISIS maniacs who'll gladly do a hundred Sandy Hooks. Obama's got a lot to answer for. This notion that the US-backed but Saudi-led jihadis in Libya, Yemen and Syria are controllable by Riyadh is completely insane. They're not. They're just as likely to turn their guns on the Saudis and the US and Europe as they're likely to throw a homosexual off a building or crucify a magician.
