

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Russian Marines on the move in Syria, showdown with ISIS expected soon

Can't wait to read Chomsky's reporting on the body-counts...

And looks like the Chinese want a piece of them too:

Trump is probably pleased:


  1. Miracle of miracles! Trump says something intelligent, or at least semi-intelligent.

  2. Still think a United States arms embargo on ISIS would have been enough ;)

  3. Ha Tom you noticed!

    Let's see how Russia does.... US MI guy I talked to a while back was very wary of this match up... from the standpoint of Russia doing overkill...

  4. Now that Clinton is gone, it seems like Obama-Putin get along better. They'll never be mates, but their frequent meetings lately have made a giant difference in regional cooperation.

    Merkel's disasterous policy for European expansionism draws to a close in her lame duck which also coincides roughly with Obama and Putin's own lame-ducks.

    Hard to imagine in only a couple years all these huge fixtures of politics will be gone.
