

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Sputnik — China to Create Super-Collider Double the Size of CERN's

China is planning to build the world's largest super-collider. According to China Daily, scientists have already completed an initial conceptual design of the mega facility. With construction slated to begin as early as 2020, the super, super-collider will be double the size of the Switzerland-based CERN LHC, with seven times the power.…
I guess they can "afford" it.

China to Create Super-Collider Double the Size of CERN's


  1. They'll be able to "afford" it right after they dump all of their surplus steel inventory to get the munnie....

  2. This is interesting but there is no scientific reason right now for it with the current status quo in high energy particle physics.

    From what I have read, from a layman point of view, most of the models have been falsified and now they are on stalemate, the scale of an accelerator to falsify most of the remaining super symmetry models are huge (planetary scale). And anyway it seems that is mostly a theoretical failure and physicists are back to the drawing board with all the data the LHC is providing.

    So the bang for the buck, scientifically, seems to be very low for this project. however from an engineering and technological point of view, the bang for the buck is huge with this projects. Also from a PR point of view (like the space race in the 60's between the USSR and USA).

    So overall this project should be beneficial building up a lot of expertise and knowledge, instead of wasting it on hedge funds and trying ways to move bits faster between virtual exchanges.

  3. China is still lagging in tech expertise. They now only want to change that, they have to. It will be needed to counter the US militarily as well as to avoid the middle income trap. They are totally focused on this.
