

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Yegor Kholmogorov — The motive: How Russia's enemies benefit from the downing of Su-24


History and geography count.

Fort Russ
The motive: How Russia's enemies benefit from the downing of Su-24
Yegor Kholmogorov | Vzglyad (original)
Translated y Kristina Rus


  1. Russian Warplane Down: NATO’s Act of War
    Despite blantant provocation, Russia must continue toward the finish line. With cameras rolling, Turkey has claimed it has shot down a Russian Sukhoi Su-24 attack aircraft. The New York Times in its article, “Turkey Shoots Down Russian Warplane Near Syria Border,” reports that:

    Turkish fighter jets on patrol near the Syrian border shot down a Russian warplane on Tuesday after it violated Turkey’s airspace, a long-feared escalation that could further strain relations between Russia and the West.

    The escalation is “long feared” not because the Turkish government actually fears that Russian warplanes crossing their border pose a threat to it or its people, but because Russia has ended NATO’s proxy war, a proxy war spearheaded in part by Turkey itself, amid Russia’s joint military operations with Syria against the self-proclaimed “Islamic State” (ISIS) and supporting terrorist factions.

    In addition to having a camera rolling as the plane went down in flames, terrorists operating in region had allegedly surrounded the dead pilot shortly after the incident according to Reuters.

    While Turkey maintains that it was only reacting in self-defense (or perhaps in defense of terrorists it is sponsoring) – it was against a nation’s planes that it knew had no intention of attacking its territory – and what looks like instead was Turkey targeting planes operating along reoccurring routes and shooting one down once the pieces were in place to maximize the event politically.

    Russia Continues Toward the Finish Line

    In recent weeks with Russian air support, Syrian troops have retaken large swaths of territory from ISIS, Al Qaeda, and other terrorist fighters. The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) has even begun approaching the Euphrates River east of Aleppo, which would effectively cut off ISIS from its supply lines leading out of Turkish territory.

    From there, Syrian troops would move north, into the very “safe zone” the US and its Turkish partners have long-sought but have so far failed to establish within Syria’s borders. This “safe zone” includes a region of northern Syrian stretching from Jarabulus near the west bank of the Euphrates to Afrin and Ad Dana approximately 90-100 kilometers west.

    Once Syrian troops retake this territory, the prospect of the West ever making an incursion into Syria, holding territory, or compromising Syria’s territorial integrity would be lost forever. Western ambitions toward regime change in Damascus would be indefinitely suspended.

    The endgame is at hand, and only the most desperate measures can hope to prevent Russia and Syria from finally securing Syria’s borders. Turkey’s provocation is just such a measure.
    First appeared:


  2. Why the West Won’t Hit ISIS Where it Hurts

    US-Turkey “Buffer Zone” to Save ISIS, Not Stop Them -


    UN Backs Russia's War on US-Backed Syria Terrorists

    UN Security Council resolution authorises 'all necessary means' to be used against groups associated with al Qaeda

    By Alexander Mercouris

    November 24, 2015 "Information Clearing House" - "RI" - Russia’s diplomats have been as busy as Russia’s military.

    They have now obtained UN Security Council as well as Syrian government approval for Russia’s military campaign.

    They have also got the UN Security Council to scotch the myth of the “moderate jihadis” once and for all.

    Back in September, when it became clear the Russians were intending to act in Syria, Russia Insider predicted the Russians would try to get a Resolution from the UN Security Council to give additional legal cover for their military action.

    This is in contrast to the US, which avoids the Security Council whenever it can, and which usually prefers to act unilaterally without a UN Security Council mandate.

    Thus US bombing of the Islamic State in Syria was doubly illegal under international law because it was carried out without permission from either the UN Security Council or from the Syrian government.

    Russia's military action by contrast is completely legal. It has the permission of both the UN Security Council and the Syrian government for it.

    The rest:
