

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Al Franken's "Supply Side Jesus" comic - animated

Have you seen Al Franklin in action, the guy is awesome. I might post some videos here about him soon. This is an animated cartoon inspired by him. A great send up of neoliberalism.


  1. Paul Craig Roberts would not find this video funny. He'd call it a misrepresentation of what they were trying to do during Reagan's tenure.
    He'd also claim the the US is currently not implementing supply-side economics.

  2. I did send it to him and he said nothing. I like PCR a lot, and I'm always pleased when he puts a new article out, but he always defends Reagan and that doesn't fit in with a lot of what he says nowadays. All the people I like are lefties and PCR puts out articles by them all the time, including Stephan lendman, Eric Zeusse, Micheal Hudson, Christopher Hedges, etc. But PCR defended Henry Kissinger the other day and that really shocked me.

  3. Kissinger makes good the current brand of idiots in charge of US foreign policy tbh, maybe PCR was comparing them both.
