

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Trump shows who's boss...pulls out of Fox News debate

Just announced that Trump has pulled out of the Fox News debate. Good for him. He probably got inside information that he was walking into a trap. A setup. Roger Ailes would not pull Megyn Kelly as per Trump's demand. My guess is that Eric Bolling, who's very close with Trump, probably tipped him off to an ambush. When Ailes didn't pull Kelly, Trump decided to walk.

Good move. Not necessary to walk into a trap when you don't have to.

 FYI...Megyn Kelly is a c--t. I knew people who worked for her at Fox (makeup, hair, bookers, etc) and she treated them all like garbage. She also stiffed my friend out of a commission after my friend busted her as to find Kelly and her husband--millionaires, both--a primo apartment in NYC. What for? Why stiff my friend? Because that is the nature of a bully.

Trump didn't fall into their trap. Good for him. Fox News made enemies with the wrong dude.


  1. A political maverick like no other. Hope he goes on CNN at the same time as the debate and steals the few viewers Fox has left watching the borefest.

  2. The Donald is sending a signal to Rupert that he only deals on his terms. If they want him to bump up their ratings, they have to pay his price. He is New Yorker.

  3. Art of the Deal. Always make sure the other side knows you will walk.

  4. "In a statement, the campaign announced that Trump will hold his own separate event in Iowa to raise money for wounded veterans."

    Anyone know if that's going to be at the same time?

  5. M, I would assume so...

    It was funny he was speaking at Liberty last week I watched some of that he was speaking to these young grads at that Evangelical Bible College down there in Virginia and he drew some of his canned "commencement" speech material and he said he typically tells grads TWO main principles... the first one was "GET EVEN!" (no 'turn the other cheek' LOL) I forgot what the second one was...

    So if you try to screw him or he at least thinks you did he not only will walk away from the deal like Neil points out but he will further try to "GET EVEN!"... so I would not be surprised if he doesnt work with another CATV channel to put his Veterans thing on right OPPOSITE the Fox thing...

  6. "The Donald is sending a signal to Rupert that he only deals on his terms. If they want him to bump up their ratings, they have to pay his price. He is New Yorker."

    Exactly, Tom. This is the essence of good negotiation: having no problem with walking away.

  7. Do military service deferments also count as "walking away"? No mention of it in The Art of the Deal.

    If yes,how many does the make for Trump now -- 6?

    You Trump supporters, you think Trump will ever get around to testing his hypothesis -- that if he stands in the middle of 5th Avenue, New York and shoots somebody that he wouldn't lose voters? You know, technically, if the person he happens to shoot dead is already a Trump supporter ... well, then, a voter is lost ;)

  8. @lastgeek,

    HuffPo is reporting today that Evangelicals don't care about Trump's religion. I doubt deferments are going to make much difference.

    Trump is doing what Reagan had the power to do: bypassing the press and appealing straight to the people. Very few people in office, or seeking office, have that power. We'll see tomorrow night.

    If he does, this is going to (1) put an axe in Fox's arrogant and presumed ability to set the presidential agenda and dictate what the issues are, and (2) rearrange the balance of power among the branches of government, if you accept that the four "Estates"--few Americans aware of this--are Executive, Legislative, Judicial, and Press. The four Estates are supposed to be equal and represent not only the balance of powers, but a check and balance to too much power.

    The "people" are *supposed* to be represented by the Second Estate, the Legislative--in my view now taking its orders from lobbyists and major donors--and protected by the Fourth, the Press--in my view, controlled by major owners and narrow and unspoken narrow editorial interests. That protection has become increasingly non-existent for 25 years.

    Had the media done its job in 2002/2003, 50,000 American soldiers would not have died for nothing in a ginned-up war that created ISIS in retaliation, and over 100,000 more wounded for life. [Yes, the figures are that high.] The people that the hoity-toity in Manhattan are sneering at as Trump supporters offered up their kids and fathers for this century's disastrous wars. With the exception of Andrew Bacevich, none of those NYCers let their kids go too war. I doubt you will take the time to read this, but insider Colonel Pat Lang wrote this long piece for Harper's in the summer of 2004 (!) that Harper's spiked. It’s so powerful, in my view, that had it been printed , bush would have lost in 2004. It outlined how the neocons started planning the Iraq War in 1998 with candidate Bush, names names, and pushed through their agenda of hijacking America's foreign policy. The interesting thing about Lang's essay is that he was there; he among other thing ran Defense Intelligence (DIA) operatives worldwide during the 90s. It's called "Drinking the Koolaid."

    Trump has struck a nerve. Ordinary folk are tired of banging their fists against the window, begging to become a part of the American landscape that Congress listens to. They have jobs to go to, sometimes two and three. Making their concerns known has become a second job without income. The lobbyists and donors know they don’t have to appeal to the American people; they just have to concentrate on the 535 in DC that control things, write the laws for the lazy bastards, and give them money. Trump supporters see Trump as someone who can function at this lobbyist and donor level and tell them all to go to hell.

  9. @lastgeek,

    When a small cadre of wealthy and powerful citizens, relative to the population number, can hijack the State and its military to its end, you get fascism. Fascism isn't a left-wing thing. The 'people' in the US know this instinctively, even though 99% could never define it.

    When it comes to domestic governance, Obama obeys his benefactors because he doesn't have the benefit of an independent judgment with the force of personality. He has succeeded in a couple of foreign policy events because he knows he's also Head of State, and constitutionally that is his sole purview, his job, not Congress's, no matter how much a Representative or Senator may think or want to believe otherwise. Nixon opened relations with China in 1972--an overnight event that shocked the world--because he could, not because he had to ask permission. The US is unique in that its Head of Government is also Head of State.

    So the lobbyists and major donors get around this by controlling and feeding the financial needs of the elected. These elected are fish in a barrel in DC. These lobbyists not only write domestic laws in return for a check, they dictate foreign policy. The only thing that can terrify the elected is if the voters get pissed off enough to elect them out of office. That's what appears to be happening now. Tomorrow is D-Day. If Trump sears FOX's ratings, Congress is going to reaching for the Charmin.

  10. Just to play devil's advocate.....If you sell New York real estate for a living and put yourself in a situation where it's possible to get "stiffed" out of a commission, i.e. not memorializing it in a retainer, then you've got to be a special kind of stupid. It's not like it's supposed to be a tip.
