

Sunday, April 24, 2016

Don Quijones — With Impeccable Timing, ‘Economic Miracle’ in Spain Unravels

The European Union on the verge.
Wolf Street
With Impeccable Timing, ‘Economic Miracle’ in Spain Unravels
Don Quijones


  1. No one is talking about a Spexit yet. The PTB remain firmly in control.

  2. The left and the right in in it together with their gold-buggery... See the comments on the article, moronfest!

    Is hard for me to keep reading economic press, be it mainstream or not, as they all operate under the same assumptions: the same as those of the EU, which they secretly support to govern the 'deficits' and the 'debt'.

    What a disgrace... that people would rather see 25% unemployment and people dying, because is not bad enough...

    "Go die!" should be the slogan of all the economic press, how you dare to protest against austerity and spending, "living above your means!" -old man rage face-.

  3. And meanwhile political parties will use this against each other depending on what side of the table they are, further confusing the population...
