

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Sanders to debate Trump

Dishes flying in Chappaqua.


  1. Brilliant strategy. Using Sanders to get rid of Hillary. Political judo. Let’s see if it works.

  2. Totally brilliant. The Donald may also have concluded that Hillary is enough difficulty that she may not get the nomination as supposed and is positioning himself against Sanders, who does much better than HRC in polling. I question whether Trump would take this step if he did not think that there is a rising chance of facing Bernie instead of HRC. Bernie and Biden are gaining in the prediction markets, btw.

  3. It would be a helluva entertaining event, but Sanders would wipe the floor with Trump's own hair mop in a debate. Hillary will, too.

    When Trump says that Hillary wants to repeal the 2nd Amendment: Does he actually know how hard it actually is to amend the US Constitution?

    [B]Article V: [/B]“The Congress, whenever two thirds of both Houses shall deem it necessary, shall propose Amendments to this Constitution...."

    Btw, in his news conference today Trump was asked by a Canadian reporter if would approve the Keystone XL pipeline. He answered that he would but only if the "US got a significant piece of the profits." LOL ... "profits." Any business man with a half a brain would have demanded a piece of the sales, not profits, because whatever your profit percentage is, say 30%, 30% times zero profits = ... 0! Any wonder that bankruptcies follow him like a shadow?

  4. I thought Hillary had a lock on the delegates needed to win... once the California primary is over and done with.

  5. She does have a lock, Bob. I think Trump was basically mocking Hillary in agreeing to debate Sanders.

  6. There's a lot of time between now and the convention and polling is greatly favoring Bernie over Hillary, Hillary is not looking good over emailgate, and Trump is starting to throw all the baggage that Bill and Hillary have accumulated over the years up against the wall to see what sticks. He is even throwing old conspiracy theories, too. Yu can bet that Roger Stone will be be pumping it for all it world "unofficially" (he is not longer paid by the campaign). I'll bet that Trump is also going to be suggesting that Hillary could be indicted over emailgate — "we just don't know yet."

    And Bernie winning CA would be a serious blow to HRC.

    Bernie knows this and I'm pretty sure he will hang In until it's over. The debate with Trump practically guarantees it.

  7. What I meant by the polling favoring Bernie over HRC, is that Bernie polls much better than Trump, while Trump just pulled ahead of Hillary.

    If the Democratic Party concludes that Bernie is a winner and Hillary is loser, she is gone.

  8. Perhaps Sanders is hanging in for the VP?

    For VP I am guessing someone Hispanic or not necessarily Hispanic but has a good relationship with the H communities since her favourable numbers on the Hispanic vote are nowhere near as high as Obama's were. Plus, Sanders would totally overshadow her. I mean, who's running the show here, Hillary or Sanders ;)

  9. Bernie steals a lot Of Trump's thunder. Would make for a terrific general election for the stomped on folks of all ideological stripes, except those of the Establishment. Would be a watershed event in American history

  10. There are rumors that if HRC fails, e.g., is indicted or appears likely to be, then the party regulars will switch her votes to Biden to stop Sanders. That would blow up the Democratic Party.

  11. Tom, you served in the US military. Would you consider voting for a man who shirked his military duty not because he was a conscientious objector, which itself is a brave act, but because, a la Rush Limbaugh, he was a coward?

    Four military deferments (5?), and he has the nerve to use the US veterans as a political prop. Fuck him! I know his kind.

  12. I think that is reason enough not to vote for him, but I also think that are more important reasons from the POV of veterans, such as Trump's statements on punitive torture. That's way over the top, and it appeals to the worst, not to mention it being either criminal or criminal insanity.

    Of course, Hillary was not eligible to serve, but her behavior as Secretary of State would make it difficult to impossible for veterans with a conscience to vote for her.

    Veterans and especially wartime vets know that war is really really bad. To avoid going is cowardice, and to take it lightly is folly.

    I would not trust either Trump or HRC with the title commander in chief.

  13. Dick Cheney, who also got a bunch of deferments, "“I had better things to do in the 60s than fight in Vietnam."

    Disgusting in itself, but they to go on and lead a torture program as US vice president is a blight on its reputation that the nation will never live down. Cheney will go down in history as low life. He trashed his own legacy by bragging about it.

  14. Dick Cheney the draft-dodger? Good for him. You can be disgusted all you want, I will choose to save my life than fight in a pointless war.

  15. Tom over half the people support torture:

    These people probably think Cheney is a great guy...

    So I dont know if all of your outrage here on this issue is called for accordingly...

    And in my experience, the people I have witnessed who have the lowest disregard for our warriors are OTHER warriors...

    Look at the pos VA.... it is typically run/staffed/operated by other veterans...

    The current guy in hot water over his "Disneyland" remark's wiki:

    "McDonald was born on June 20, 1953 in Gary, Indiana, and grew up in Chicago.[4] He graduated from the U.S. Military Academy at West Point in 1975 with a Bachelor of Science degree in Engineering. "

    guys a f-ing West Point graduate....

    So i dont know about all of this "takes one to know one" or wtf logic applied in this case all the time...

  16. Yes, Bob, a pointless (and immoral) war. But the thing with guys like Cheney is that they don't have a problem sending others, while waiving the flag like there's no tomorrow of course, to fight said pointless (and immoral) wars.

    The sleazebag Trump even bragged about how he avoided Vietnam and instead, like the "real" man that he is, had his "own personal Vietnam" humping around with the whores of New York.

    P.S. Please excuse my French :(

  17. Tom over half the people support torture:

    These people probably think Cheney is a great guy...

    So I dont know if all of your outrage here on this issue is called for accordingly...

    America is turning into a fascist country and I am not the first to be saying this.

    In Mussolini's sense of "fascism," fascism is corporate statism. US? Check.

    In the sense apples to Nazism, it involves racial superiority, national exceptionalism, and the use of violence as a means. US? Check.

    Others have set this forth in detail. Do a search. Lots of hits.

  18. Yes, Bob, a pointless (and immoral) war. But the thing with guys like Cheney is that they don't have a problem sending others, while waiving the flag like there's no tomorrow of course, to fight said pointless (and immoral) wars.

    Well Hitler didn't have a problem either, and he was a veteran of WW1.

    It is what sociopaths share in common, regardless of background.
