

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Sputnik — China's Attempt to Purchase Opera Prompts Wagnerian Response From West

American regulators apparently said "no" to China fully buying the Norwegian internet browser company Opera Software in order to prevent Beijing from gaining clout in the market, competitive intelligence expert Yevgeny Yushchyuk told Sputnik….
China's Attempt to Purchase Opera Prompts Wagnerian Response From West


  1. I wished that the British Government had stopped the Japanese company, Softbank, from buying ARM, the British microprocessor chip company. The treacherous Conservative Party said it was a British success story that a Japanese company wanted to buy it, but the founder of the company said it was sad and deeply regretted it.

    I wonder if the 24 £billion it cost to buy Arm will be dumped on the company instead. The bankers stand to make a packet on what shareholders would have gained before. The present shareholders grabbed the money and run.

  2. They probably thought they were buying the Norwegian Opera with the music/singing...

  3. Yes, but anything opposed to "free markets" you will a Chris Dillow response: "Venezuela!"

    Left at present...

  4. Yeah but Random the Anthony guy says: "I expect no better levels of competence from McDonnell and Corbyn."

    He goes to competence... the left is simply not competent in this area this is manifestly true anyone with a minimum amount of objectivity can see this...

    Where has the left ever excelled economically?

    Also Dillow says: "So far, all we have from May on the economy are words."

    This is true too and imo important ... she has the right words but words dont get it done either... so lets watch what happens here now with her to see if they are smart enough to turn words into actions... we can chronicle it here... FD I am not holding my breath (I think they are ALL stupid...) but will be willing to be surprised...

  5. she has the right words

    Such as. And don't send me to that YouTube video where she says what she wants to do but doesn’t mention a word about how she is going to go about it and praises David Cameron for reducing the deficit and bringing stability to the economy (read imposing expansionary fiscal austerity to increase confidence). She got nothing but promises of pie in the sky so far, unless I missed something about increasing flows.

  6. Define left (and right?!). Left and right are always relative terms, the left has excelled at economic policy many times, most modern social democratic support systems exist due to leftist movements, not 'right' movements. Most expansionary programs came from left.

    Take in mind the Oberton window, as nowadays what would have been considered mild left in the past is considered radical left.

    Also take in mind the externalisation of costs to society. Easy to claim you are the best manager in the world if all you do is externalise all the costs to society and ignore them. The left does this too though don't get me wrong, but would be nice for someone to make an in-depth analysis.

    Then there is the cultural bias of such assertion, as "the best outcomes ACCORDING TO MY POINT OF VIEW", which others may not agree with.

    Too many undefined terms for such strong assertions.

  7. Tom the words always have to come first... And if your goal is to make everyone the same ("inequality!") you will never attain it...

  8. Matt, I have explained this in some detail on many occasions. The goal is NOT to make everyone the the same (identical). That is impossible, as you point out. There are other meanings of "equal" and "unequal," such as difference of individuals as agents and equality of persons before the law. It is impossible to understand liberalism without understanding this and conservative, for whatever reason, don't seem to get it. Apparently, because their foundational principle is that some are better than other, or as Orwell put it, some are more equal than others.
