

Friday, July 29, 2016

Tom Hickey — Is Obama going to use the power of the presidency to assist HRC in defeating Trump?

Based on quite a bit of background that has been building up, it is looking more and more to me that Obama may try to draw Russia into overt operations in Ukraine to create enough war fever in the US to deliver the election to HRC. The Ukraine appears to be preparing an offensive in Eastern Ukraine with US and NATO assistance to force Russia's hand, either allowing Eastern Ukraine to fall or respond militarily.

At the same time, the US would also ramp up operations in Syria oriented toward entangling Russia further there in order to undermine Patin's domestic support and also get the Saudis to drop the oil price to further squeeze Russia economically to create civil unrest.

The pretext would be Putin's interference in US politics.

Also expect the executive branch to do everything in its power to goose the US economy in the coming quarter prior to the election.

The Democratic Establishment is becoming extremely anxious about the possibility of losing in November, which would be a couple disaster knowing that Trump's fundamental principle is getting even. This is do or die for the Democratic Establishment and they are likely to pull out all the stops.


  1. The pretext would be Putin's interference in US politics.

    But Netanyahu’s was OK?

  2. This could easily backfire.

    That people is stupid and over their heads. Not competent.

  3. This has nothing to do with reason or actual evidence. Pure persuasion. Persuasion is the only what a relatively tiny elite can maintain control over a majority in a liberal democracy. "Persuasion" is a euphemism for propaganda and disinformation.

    Incidentally, the guy who gets to judge this is the head of NSA, James Clapper — he who lied to Congress and then lied about lying. Why would anyone believe what this person has to say?

  4. The DPR and LPR forces might well be strong enough to fend off any attack on their own, and the collapse of the terrorists' Aleppo front will mean the outcome of the war there is no longer in doubt. Neither of those gambits will work.

  5. The DPR and LPR forces might well be strong enough to fend off any attack on their own, and the collapse of the terrorists' Aleppo front will mean the outcome of the war there is no longer in doubt. Neither of those gambits will work.

    I agree.

    But that doesn't mean they won't try.

  6. Sorry, I thought "power of the Presidency" was a euphemism for a drone strike.
