

Saturday, August 27, 2016

Neil Clark — Follow the Money Trail For Source of 'Russian Threat' Paranoia

Certain people are trying to scare us witless about Russia and the ‘threat’ the country apparently poses. The hysteria reminds one to the build up to the Iraq war, when we were warned every day about the ‘threat’ of Saddam’s deadly WMDs, which - surprise, surprise - turned out not to exist.
Now, we can talk for hours about grand, highfalutin theories in the field of geopolitics and international relations in attempts to explain why this is happening.But ‘follow the money’ trail is all we really have to do. Ask yourself who benefits financially from all this scaremongering and then you’ll understand it.
This week, The Intercept revealed how US defense contractors have been telling investors that the so-called ’Russian threat’ was good for business.
Retired Army general Richard Cody, vice-President of the US’s seventh largest defense contractor, L-3 communications, bemoaned the fact that "when the old Cold War ended’ defense budgets went south". Now though a ’resurgent Russia’ meant an "uptick was coming".
There was a similarly upbeat message from Stuart Bradie, chief executive of CBR, who talked of the "opportunities" the current situation presents.
The case for higher defense spending to counter the ‘Russian threat’ has been made by a series of think-tanks. And guess what? The most hawkish of these lobbyists - sorry, ‘think tanks’ - receive sizable funding from US defense contractors!
See The Iron Law of Oligarchy.

Follow the Money Trail For Source of 'Russian Threat' Paranoia 
Neil Clark

1 comment:

  1. All these guys think they can make a lot of money and never have to fight in a war. Bang, bang, they make the money and shove it in their offshore bank accounts. There should be a law that if they are young enough, or their children old enough, they should be made to go in the frontline.
