

Sunday, September 25, 2016

Alexander Mercouris — US rages as Russia calls its Syrian bluff

Following the collapse of the ceasefire, and with the forcible imposition of a no-fly zone for all practical purposes ruled out, the US found itself left with nothing other than Kerry’s absurd proposal that Russia and Syria impose a no-fly zone on themselves. The moment the Russians rejected this proposal – as they were bound to do – the US found itself left with literally nothing at all.

It is this impotence to effect militarily the course of the battle of Aleppo – an impotence which British Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson has admitted – which is behind the furious denunciations we are now hearing as the US and its allies scramble desperately to try to get the Russians to call the battle off, saving their Jihadi proteges in Aleppo from total defeat and themselves from the humiliation of the public failure of their strategy.
The Duran
US rages as Russia calls its Syrian bluff
Alexander Mercouris


  1. Putin welcomed Texas Nationalists and California Separatists to the Kremlin again. The Texas guys seem to have become more technically savvy in the last year or two with a nice new website. Seriously scary dudes in that group and their ranks are still small but growing alarmingly fast.

    At the same time, Putin is talking about a Soviet Union again. If he starts to expand a Russian Union to offset Merkel's expansionism, China will get upset. I don't think he will do it but talking in public to the foreign media about it, can't be an accident.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Holy cow, 306K Texans have signed the independence declaration, over 1% of Texans have joined the nationalist movement. It used to be 1/10th that before Putin started helping them organize.

  4. He knows that the Central Asian republics can't make if very well independently and all would be better off economically with a federation. Putin thinks it was a mistake to dismantle the USSR and that it should have been reformed instead. Similar thinking to the eurocrats on a federated EU, but there is no precedent in Europe. There is in Eurasia with the USSR. Putin has been talking about using a common currency, for example. Looks to me like it makes more sense than the EU as it stands. At thais point, I think he is just floating the idea. No concrete proposals, that I know of anyway,

  5. There will be major economic and political blocs forming. The Americas led by the US, Europe led by Germany, Eurasia led by Russia, Asia led by China, and Southeast Asia led by India.

    An Islamic bloc also a possibility, but that would take some jockeying, since there is no clear leaders. Could be Iran though.

    There will eventually be an African bloc, too. Gaddafi was trying to form one led by Libya, which probably a reason that he got whacked.

  6. Doesn't seem like such a wise move now for the defense department to have overrode the state department and bombed the Syrian army does it?

  7. Wisdom takes a back seat to "need".


    US Peace Council Representatives CONFRONT a hostile American press after visiting Syria, and learning that the American people are being lied to, grossly lied to.”

  9. Postkey,

    If that presentation is representative of the anti-war movement, expect more war. Instead of inviting journalists, invite social media based activists.
