

Friday, September 16, 2016

Joshua Mitchell — Donald Trump Does Have Ideas—and We’d Better Pay Attention to Them…

The post-1989 world order is unraveling. Here are 6 ideas Trump has to replace it.
If you listen closely to Trump, you’ll hear a direct repudiation of the system of globalization and identity politics that has defined the world order since the Cold War. There are, in fact, six specific ideas that he has either blurted out or thinly buried in his rhetoric: (1) borders matter; (2) immigration policy matters; (3) national interests, not so-called universal interests, matter; (4) entrepreneurship matters; (5) decentralization matters; (6) PC speech—without which identity politics is inconceivable—must be repudiated.

These six ideas together point to an end to the unstable experiment with supra- and sub-national sovereignty that many of our elites have guided us toward, siren-like, since 1989.…
Joshua Mitchell | Professor of Political Theory at Georgetown University


  1. Pretty good synopsis here Tom imo being in the GOP...

    Right up to and including this which is revealing:

    "the success of the future Republican Party will hang on whether Americans come to see themselves as American citizens before they see themselves as bearers of this or that “identity.” The Very White Progressives who run the Democratic Party have an abiding interest in the latter narrative, because holding on to support of entire identity groups helps them win elections. But I do not think it can be successful much longer, in part because it is predicated on the continual growth of government, which only the debt-financing can support. Our debt-financed binge is over, or it will be soon."

    Neither side can administer a nation ideally if they keep looking at our savings as "debt" under a numismatic system like we are operating under...

    The Dems think they have "run out of money!" for their welfare state and the GOP looks at the govt institution like the guy says here in a third place roll:

    "In such an arrangement, citizens see their first support as the institutions of society (the family, religion, civic associations), their second support as a relatively free market, and their third support as the state, whose real job is to defend the country from foreign threats."

    Under a numismatic system, as far as the administration of the economy, its govts PRIMARY roll to provide adequate savings of the USDs.... iow the "more freedom!" or "liberty!" or wtf of "balanced budgets!" cant work... wont work...

    so probably ultimately Trump will fail... he will probably improve things from where we are now (materially) but unless he recognizes govts responsibility to provide USD balances for adequate income and savings under this post 1971 system we now have, many of the resultant social problems are going to be remaining due to this continued ignorance...

  2. Tom,

    By post-1989 do you mean after Reagan?

  3. The author of the article, Joshua Mitchell, wrote that, not me. I assume that is what he means.

  4. Actions Speak Louder Than Words: The Real Donald Trump

  5. In some ways we are returning to the fundamental nature of human market interaction, which involves people bargaining freely with each other as equals. This is what Adam Smith called “the system of natural liberty.”

    I would not be surprised if this was typed using one hand.

  6. Instead of pursuing policies that direct everyone to have a boss, punch a time card, and join a union, labor regulation needs to promote work that is flexible, individualized, and mobile.

    As evidenced by the % of unionized workers in the private sector?
    Yes, we certainly have to cut back on those horribly restrictive regulations before it's too late.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Ah, for some reason I didn't notice the italics.

    Call it brain freeze...

  9. citizen laborer or small biz: Excuse me please, I'd like some risk remediation for my business & my life. Too much risk means I can lose, become destitute, die.
    Not just risk of terrorism, risk of economic death.

    Neoliberalism: Are you a large national or transnational corporate person or an ordinary human being person?

    citizen laborer or small biz: human

    Neoliberalism: fuggeddaboudit. Risk remediation "welfare" is only for BIG WEALTH.
