

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Moon of Alabama — Deir Ezzor Attack Enables The "Salafist Principality" As Foreseen In The 2012 DIA Analysis

Moon of Alabama outs US policy as aiming at creating a Salafist (Sunni fundamentalist) principality in Syria. The US plan is to use jihad to effect regime change in Syria. Why is the US so focused on regime change in Syria. There are basically three factors involved: 1) reduce or eliminate Iranian and Russian influence in oil and gas country, 2) Israel, and 3) secure energy resources and pipeline routes. "Assad" is a code word for the obstacles that stand in the way of this. The US willing to ally with Al Qaeda and use ISIS as a proxy to accomplish this.
At first glance this U.S. policy seems to be shortsighted, There is no way the envisioned "Sunni entity" would ever become stable. Instead it would continue to be a source of terrorism which would hit far beyond the borders of Syria and the surrounding states. But it is exactly the instability of this construct that will allow for further U.S. presence in the area. A source of insecurity that can be activated, or shut down, whenever convenient.
Moon of Alabama
Deir Ezzor Attack Enables The "Salafist Principality" As Foreseen In The 2012 DIA Analysis

1 comment:

  1. Thanksgiving is approaching... time to carve up this turkey.
