

Monday, September 19, 2016

Putin handles corruption LIKE A BOSS

Here Putin looks pretty tough, but when you are dealing with corrupt oligarchs perhaps you have to be?

Greg Palsst describes in his books how construction companies doing work for the government on big projects will delay the finishing time as long as possible. After spending billions the government doesn't want the project to fail and so will cough up more money, but construction will still fall behind needing more government (tax payer) money. They keep doing this trick until the government can't pay anymore money and then they will complete the project.

How many times do we hear of a Power Station, especially a nuclear one, estimated to cost x amount of billion but it ends up costing many times that. And even then its health and safety might be compromised as Greg Palast found out when he looked into the Fukushima accident. The construction company had cut many corners, but apparently all nuclear power stations are built like this.

From the above video on YouTube
While mainstream media would have us believing that the President of Russia is worth "$200 billion" (according to Reuters/AP, until recently owned by the richest family on earth, the Rothschild Empire) - the reality is, he is one of few people that actually holds corrupt and ineffective officials to account. The war against Putin stems from the sudden inability for crooks to plunder Russia's resources as well as get away with stealing budget funds - and - God forbid - have to pay taxes via their independent companies (often, contracted to government projects!) The man mentioned in the first clip, Mr. Belalov, ran away and was granted asylum in the UK. He cited political reasons for his non-safety in Russia, but he was simply siphoning money from the government.
There are literally hundreds of outtakes like these - I picked only a couple for this compilation for you to get the idea. Watch to the end to see an off-camera moment, which was recorded nonetheless.


  1. Japan had a plan B (diesel generators...) but no plan C...

    Everyday I drive by a Cummins depot and the whole parking lot is full of mobilized diesel generators just sitting there doing nothing... and I'm sure Boeing could produce a few more CH-46 per year...

    Instead, these USD zombies just cant get enough USDs to collect and expose their population to unnecessary risks of excess radiation in the wake of a natural disaster...

    Its not bad construction....

    Hey maybe the excess radiation will create one of those helpful mutations we need to put more distance between us and the bonobos?

    Hey sounds like you Darwin guys should be high five-ing each other in the face of Fukashima thing no?

  2. You've got a point there Matthew.

  3. Yeah, you're right, it was something to do with the generators. I remember now.
