

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Tropical Storm forming off Leewards...

We will monitor this one over the next week to see if these scientists update their predictions over time due to changing conditions... or rather act like our economic policymakers and stand pat on their original prediction even in the face of changing conditions.


  1. The only source I think you should be listening to: meteorologist Joe Bastardi at Watch the free daily update, 2-3 min. Saturday Summary is longer.

    He doesn't think it's going to go up the eastern seaboard, but rather west in the Gulf of Mexico to eastern Mexico.

    Bastardi was more consistently accurate than ANY OTHER FORECASTER I've watched in three years. I wake up on Saturdays thinking about watching his summary. i've been a constant fan.

  2. The Daily Update for Sept 27 specifically addresses Matthew. may be gone by the time you click on it.

  3. "He doesn't think it's going to go up the eastern seaboard, but rather west in the Gulf of Mexico to eastern Mexico."

    Yeah but if it does go up the eastern seaboard, is he still going to conduct himself as though it is in the Gulf?

  4. Hurricane Matthew heading our way... Darwin...
