

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Ivan Stamenkovic — It’s Outrageous That I’m Facing 45 Years In Prison For Filming A Climate Protest

Amy Goddman was exonerated for doing her job as a reporter. Not yet Deia Schlosberg.
My name is Deia Schlosberg and I am an independent filmmaker and climate reporter. I was arrested while filming an act of nonviolent civil disobedience in North Dakota and I’m currently facing felony charges that I believe are unjust. I am a climate reporter; my specialty is following the story of how humankind is creating a grave problem for civilization by continuing to flood the atmosphere with greenhouse gases through the burning of fossil fuels and other industrial processes. I don’t think there is nearly enough reporting on climate change nor the movement of people around the world working to lessen the impacts of climate change.…
When I was arrested, I was doing my job. I was reporting. I was documenting. Freedom of the press, guaranteed by the First Amendment, is absolutely critical to maintaining an informed citizenry, without which, democracy is impossible.
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