

Monday, October 31, 2016

Thomas Frank — Forget the FBI cache; the Podesta emails show how America is run

WikiLeaks’ dump of messages to and from Clinton’s campaign chief offer an unprecedented view into the workings of the elite, and how it looks after itself.
But, but, but, Putin!

The Guardian
Forget the FBI cache; the Podesta emails show how America is run
Thomas Frank


  1. Where is the "neoliberal conspiracy!" ????

  2. This aspect of it is called "government capture" or "state capture." How is the capture operationalized? The smell of money.

    It's actually very simple. The elite live very differently than the rest and few can make it into the elite on their own power. Politicians get a taste of elite life when they are elected to high office. They enjoy the life and know that it won't continue when they leave office unless they make it happen while they are in office. It's not all that difficult to make it happen, because a republic is designed to operate that way.

    Now it goes by the name "neoliberalism." It use to be called just plain old graft. "Grifters gotta grift."

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Finance controls our politics. It's why we can't get monetary reform until the current system crashes and burns.
