

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Tyler Cowen — My Second Thoughts About Universal Basic Income

I used to think that it might be a good idea for the federal government to guarantee everyone a universal basic income, to combat income inequality, slow wage growth, advancing automation and fragmented welfare programs. Now I'm more skeptical.
Bloomberg View
My Second Thoughts About Universal Basic Income
Tyler Cowen | Bloomberg View columnist and professor of economics at George Mason University


  1. Unfortunately, I don't have a good answer for how to get there, but I worry that permanent subsidies for those who don't work wouldn't lead toward solutions.

    Again the conflation of work and having a job when one need not have anything to do with the other.

    And then there's the issue of justice - victims should not have to work for restitution.

  2. Bingo!

    And it's past time they get one, having been looted for centuries.

  3. In which Cowen learns that the guy who lives next door to him on one side is on disability but still mows his own lawn and the guy on the other side only works 20 hours/week.

  4. Maybe Cowen would be happier if he moved to another neighbourhood. One where the guy who lives next door is a lottery winner, and the guy on the other side is living it up on a huge inheritance.

  5. Btw, not all disabilities are physical. Just saying...
