

Sunday, November 27, 2016

Adam Garrie — Francois Fillon wins French primary, faces Marine Le Pen for presidency

The next French government will be Russia-friendly, not matter who wins, assuming that Hollande's party is toast after Hollande foolishly trashed the brand. The contest is now between Fillon and LePen. Garrie explains why he thinks LePen will win.

The Duran
BREAKING: Francois Fillon wins French primary, faces Marine Le Pen for presidency
Adam Garrie


  1. Emmanuel Macron is the Economics, Industry and Digital Affairs, and is now running as an Independent. He'll probably get most of the center-left vote, especially if the Socialist Party candidate is someone other than Prime Minister Valls.

    Also, it's not impossible that the centrists coalesce behind François Bayrou of the MoDem party. He's done reasonably well in the past two Presidential Elections, but with the two main parties largely disliked, and with Les Republicains nominating the worst candidate they could have, he may very well get #2.

  2. Le Pen is necessary for the time being. She will end the euro nightmare and relieve everyone's pain, not just in France. Mainstream political forces are stuck, they have no idea how to move on. This thing is moving in a right direction, first Brexit, now Trump. Greece was a distraction, I would not trust the liberal left to do the job.
    There is going to be a paradigm shift too, right now the "far right" is closer to working class. The left knows about the working class through some theories only and It is for that type of working class, not the real one. To them all less educated working men are racist bigots. In this type of environment It should be easy for populists to pick up "the forgotten man".

    Even if Le Pen loses the election in second round, there is going to be a populist revolt everywhere and It is not coming from the left. Left is out and done, too busy with its utopian dreams.

    Even Bernie Sanders would have been a failure economically. I am glad he didn't make It.
