

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Simon Maloy — GOP’s Obamacare trouble: “Repeal and replace” turns out to be tougher than it sounds

Crunch time.

GOP’s Obamacare trouble: “Repeal and replace” turns out to be tougher than it sounds
Simon Maloy


Another hot potato. Paul Ryan wants to roll the repeal of Obamacare and privatization of Medicare together. Democrats are smiling at the prospect.

Daily Kos
GOP suddenly a wee bit nervous about privatizing Medicare?
Kerry Eleveld

They've decided to kill us slowly


  1. It will be interesting to see if Trump breaks from House Republicans on this. He should and i suspect Steve Bannon thinks he should. I suspect Obamacare will be replaced by something Orrin Hatch and Ron Wyden (Chair and ranking Dem on Sen Finance Committee) cook up that will basically be Obamacare in all but name. As for Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security, the GOP would save itself an awful lot of grief if it treated entitlement reform like it was a land war in Asia and stayed the hell out of it.

  2. Obamacare is essentially a house of cards - touch one and the whole thing collapses. The real problem with revoking it isn't that 20m people who didn't have I sure will lose it - it's that the "marketplace" is the basic model for all health insurance (and more important - for the privatization of Medicare and Social Security by court-tested government mandate).

    It's gotta be a tough job balancing all those special interests.
