

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Trump Meets with the press

IMO he is signalling to the executives that he wants all the talent invited to the meeting fired and replaced with people who would give him fairer press coverage and is currently offering to not investigate the Clintons in return.


  1. A more plausible explanation could be that Trump is incredibly thin-skinned and is unusually volatile. The idea that he's some incredibly smart strategist too far-fetched. He is what he is, and hopefully he's smart enough to surround himself with people who'll control his bad side while allowing his good side to flourish. Judging by his stupid choices so far, his presidency is going to be a rollercoaster ride. His mild backtracking on certain issues is heavily outweighed by the people he's surrounded himself with.

    I don't know about everyone here at MNE, but I'm still waiting for Carl Icahn to be given the treasury gig!

  2. They all gotta go or he will appoint numerous Independent Counsels and probably get his FCC to go a la carte and take all their munnie away....

    He will not put this in an email to them like dumb Democrats...

  3. John youre with Coulter on this:

    She doesnt understand it either....


    What will be interesting to watch is if they dont take the deal....

  4. Matt, I thought we were internet friends! Lumping me with the brain-dead rent-a-gob Colulter demands some satisfaction. Pistols at dawn, sir!

    I don't understand Coulter's tweet, but then I don't understand tweets in general.

    There really isn't anything to understand. The NYT, WP and all the rest of them aren't going to buckle to Trump's demands. Naturally, Obama did not have take the nutters at Fox seriously, but the MSM are a different matter. They're ideological propagandists for a certain world view, and they represent a huge part of the country's leading corporate and national interests. They're not going away no matter how much Trump huffs and puffs. This is one instance of many in which Trump meets more than his match.

    Is there a chapter in The Art of the Deal which describes how to back away from forces much more powerful than you? Or how not to antagonize them in the first place with the silliness suited for the campaign trail?

  5. Trump's not investigating the previous administration is SOP, explained perfectly by Barack Obama as "looking forward rather than backward."

    It's an unwritten rule of American politics for several reasons.

    For instance:

    First, it creates enormous distraction, is very divisive, and eats up political capital.

    Secondly, it's what banana republics and tinpot dictators do whereas in advanced countries transfers of power are smooth.

    Thirdly, it's a matter of the presidents covering their own asses.

    Then there's the lesson that impeachment of Bill Clinton provoked a popular backlash as being politically motivated.

  6. His appeal is to the executives, Zucker, etc... not the talent.. he's offered the olive branch with his announcement that he will lay off the Clintons, etc...

    So the executives have to figure out if they want to stay at war or take the deal ....

    He can make their lives miserable via his FCC...

    Coulter is "bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb Iran...." etc. while Trump is always trying at first to lead with a deal "carrot" while he also figures he has a "stick" if they dont take the deal...

  7. Matt,

    There is no deal to be made! The Iran deal is one of the greatest geopolitical deals ever made. Anyone who says otherwise does not understand it. Iran is under the most intensive nuclear inspections in history. Iran cannot do a damn thing without the inspectors knowing about it. Note that all the intelligence agencies in the US and around the world have signed off on Iran *not* having a nuclear weapons programme *prior* to the deal being made. The deal made was about *civilian* nuclear power. Even though Iran has a right to develop this, they have foregone this international right to develop this capability beyond a certain point.

    If the deal falls apart, everyone will know Washington has decided on regime change and not because Iran has scuppered the deal. We know this because leading GOPers said that they wanted to scrap a deal every intelligence agency states is a deal beyond their wildest imaginations. We know Washington is a law unto itself, a rogue power, having concocted a wild tale to invade and then destroy Iraq. Concocting another fantasy so as to bomb Iran would be a very bad idea indeed. Doing so would scupper the nuclear deal, lead to the ejection of the inspectors, and a determined effort to acquire a nuclear deterrent.

    Coulter's M.O. is to create media coverage for herself by saying batshit stuff. Why people take her to be a knowledgeable person worth listening to is beyond me. Why she's such a huge media celebrity is beyond me too. She knows nothing. Almost everything she says is either the exact opposite of the truth or stupid beyond belief.

  8. Tom he is not going to send his people onto this week with Clintonista George Stuffanevelope.... etc...

  9. He'll go on whoever wants to be TrumpTV like Breitbart, perhaps some individual shows, Hannity, OReilly etc... no one will go on the usual channels... they will all have to turn into MSNBC with no viewers...

  10. Here:

    "What actually happened in that room, when Mr. Trump sat down with the editors, reporters and columnists for The Times on Tuesday? How did it feel? What did we learn about him? And why, after all the taunts and outbursts, was Mr. Trump so civil toward us — nice, even?"

    The talent level doesn't understand it... have to see about executives...

  11. "Trump has demanded libel laws be expanded. Should you be worried? "

    They better figure it out....

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. I'm not feeling any sympathy for the press. I'm trying to, but I'm just not feeling it.
