

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Pat Buchanan — Official Website The Real Saboteurs of a Trump Foreign Policy

Treason anybody? Pat's on the warpath.

This is far from over. Pat sees the deep state, the neocons, the war hawks and the liberal interventionists uniting to scuttle Trump's foreign policy plans and maintain control that "provides continuity."

Patrick J. Buchanan — Official Website
The Real Saboteurs of a Trump Foreign Policy
Patrick J. Buchanan


  1. Strange bedfellows all these losers are going to make for the next 4 years. You also had a bunch of the neocons jump over to support HRC's campaign. That was the biggest reason why I did not trust or support her, though in good conscience, I couldn't support Trump either like you were saying a while back, Tom.

    I've always like to read what Pat Buchanan has to say. When I was more of a right-libertarian years ago, I'd still read his stuff. If you wanna know where a lot of Trumpism came from, he's definitely someone I'd point to first as a YUGE influence.

  2. If you wanna know where a lot of Trumpism came from, he's definitely someone I'd point to first as a YUGE influence.

    That's why "alt-right" is nothing new. Just rebranding.

  3. That's why "alt-right" is nothing new. Just rebranding.

    I'd also surmise that back when Trump was running as a Reform Party candidate, he might have picked up some ideas directly from Pat although he was highly critical of the direction that party was going in by the time he pulled out of the race. Ironically enough, Trump supported universal healthcare during that presidential run.

    I think that's what makes Trump such a wildcard in some cases. I'm still hoping we'll get some pleasant surprises under his administration, though I have also voiced my doubts as well.

  4. I'm still hoping we'll get some pleasant surprises under his administration...

    Hope springs eternal ;)

    Journalist Steve Coll of The New Yorker was interviewed today on the NPR show Fresh Air. The topic was Trump's pick Rex Tillerson for State. Well worth the listen:

    Did you guys know that Tillerson's favourite book of all time is -- *SNICKER* -- Ayn Rand's "Atlas Shrugged"? Ayn freakin' Rand! Btw, Coll mentions that that response was from an interview Tillerson gave to Boy Scout magazine a few years back.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Did you guys know that Tillerson's favourite book of all time is -- *SNICKER* -- Ayn Rand's "Atlas Shrugged"? Ayn freakin' Rand! Btw, Coll mentions that that response was from an interview Tillerson gave to Boy Scout magazine a few years back.

    Hopes dashed again and I'm reminded of why I'm so critical of Trump and what will be coming.

    I will take a look at that NPR interview. Thanks for the find.

  7. Almost forgot to mention ...

    Pat Buchanan's articles are a big favourite on some of the neo-nazi/antisemitic online sites I've happened to visit on occasion ... for research purposes only, of course :)

    edited out some rude language :(

  8. Ironically enough, Trump supported universal healthcare during that presidential run.

    He did a year before he announed his latest presedential run.

  9. I voted for Pat Iirc twice back in the primaries in the 90s...

  10. Matt, I'm just the messenger here -- you know, like that guy Philippides ;)

  11. Lol... it's turning into a big Ayn Rand fest...
