

Monday, December 26, 2016

The Guardian — Corbyn hits back after Obama suggests Labour is 'disintegrating'

More evidence that President Obama and the New Democrats have lost the plot.
Outgoing US president suggests in interview he is not worried about potential ‘Corbynisation’ of Democrats because party is grounded in ‘fact and reality’
Next the New Democrats will publicly distance themselves from FDR?

The Guardian
Corbyn hits back after Obama suggests Labour is 'disintegrating'
Rowena Mason and Peter J Walker


  1. They might as well be honest and do it now so people are under no illusion that the days of FDR and LBJ are over in terms of what the agenda is now. Donald Trump publicly stated the US will never default, and the same tired beliefs continue on anyway among the dullards in this country. I'm finding it increasingly difficult to remain positive about what is coming.

  2. What's tedious about Obama is realizing what a pedestrian thinker he is.

  3. Obama is a mediocre and a coward and a liar. He's always been that. Plenty image, no substance. He is not alone. All these centre-left politicians are the same: in the US, in the UK, in Oz. The only thing that changes is their accent.

    The same thing applies to the high profile talking heads supporting them: the best experts money can buy.

    I remember just after he was elected, the excuse his paid sycophants in the media offered for his cowardice was that he had to be careful with the "angry black man" image. Now, that's rich.

  4. People have got Obama all wrong. They start with the false premise that he's a progressive. He isn't; he's a moderate Republican, who would have been more than at home in Bush Snr's GOP. Once you understand that, everything falls into place: the corporate welfare, the attacks on the working class, the aversion to "dumb" wars but necessity for "clever" wars, etc.

    Obama isn't a coward. He gets what he wants to get done, not what YOU want to get done. And because he doesn't do what YOU want to get done, you call him a coward! Once you understand his politics and what HE wants to get done, you'll understand this isn't a question of cowardice, but a question of projecting YOUR desires on to a man who has diametrically opposing desires. You may as well have projected these ideals and desires on Dubya.

  5. Corbyn is the Brit's Obama! Eight months after the previous Tory government published a report showing there is no alternative to membership of the EU that won’t damage the UK economically Corbyn's Labour Party hasn't refuted it but nevertheless decided to support Brexit.

  6. If I were President, I'd only appoint staff to the top posts in every Department to people who attended or taught at 7 of my favorite community colleges in poor urban and rural areas. I think by selecting people who went to those 7 places, I could pretty much ensure that government was lead by the people who I think are the smartest, hard working people in the world while we would eliminate all the deplorable elite.

    I don't know how you can get across to Democratic party members how absurd it is to make the systematic selection of staffing from a social selection pyramid. In the Obama administration, nearly every single top post went to an Ivy Leaguer. No one complained or saw any problem with it. It was assumed they were simply the best and should be there. The worst kind of Elitism. Might as well have a monarchy. Same selection criteria are still used at elite universities as the monarchy used. Universities are institutions from a different era, they need to be reformed, adopt modern technology or shut down and banned until they can figure out how to create student populations that aren't a threat to democracy.

    No bold idea, world changing innovation or significant reform will ever come from a Democratic party lead exclusively by those who attended the elite ivy league universities with hand selected attendance of only those students who have demonstrated the most desirable social traits that titillate elites.

    The elite left has no plan to make the system we have better. In the UK, they are being given the chance of a lifetime. And what do they do? They buy a royal yacht to send out trade delegations. They fret about whether or not they will allow Europeans to work in the UK and UK citizens in the EU. They can do whatever they want, all they have to do, is provide economic opportunity and development to the northern cities and the northerners will allow them carte blanche. But it is unthinkable to a oxford or cambridge elite to do anything. They don't see the problem in the first place so they can't solve it. They don't even know who or what isn't working and why they were voted out. The left is completely clueless. They think it is racism and hate "populism" when their elitism is the single, most important problem that needs solved. They are blind, wearing invisible clothes.

    Profoundly disturbing to watch.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Obama has always been a mediocre, just like all the elitists he forms part of. The guy is a vivid expression of the desire to be part of a group and regurgitating the gospel of the circle just to be accepted as part of the group.

    How we can get this sort of personalities unable to rule in ruling positions is what is driving us towards a more chaotic world. People who thinks "we cannot do anything" shouldn't get close to positions of authority, libertarians are not fit to rule, period.

  9. Obama also has the gall to say that he would have won against Trump if he was given a chance to run for a third term. I personally find him to be the modern version of Jimmy Carter in some ways. Weak, ineffective and no drama kind of president.

    He'd probably win barely just because so many people despise Trump so much and how obvious he makes the game of elitism and self-importance be for the people who haven't been paying too close attention to what has come out of Obama's administration in that regard that they would go for any alternative. Obama makes it sound a lot nicer and innocent and is generally a likable guy and a good family man when you get past his sheer mediocrity and centrist (even to the point where you could say he could have fit into Bush Sr's GOP) attitude.

    I would have expected Hillary Clinton have to aggressively help out more with the recounts, but at the end of the day, I realize that her class of people won and not the rest of the American people. That is a big part of the problem. It's this clueless mentality in thinking nothing's wrong because you've been insulated so much, you forget there's even a middle, working class and poor in this country.

    I don't think change will come at the voting booth alone. There needs to be a radical shakeup in completely reforming who the President decides to appoint and stop looking at people who graduated the Ivy League schools as automatically having the solutions to the problems. Larry Kudlow is proof you can still be a complete running out of money moron even with a master's degree from one of these schools.

  10. "Obama has always been a mediocre,"

    Textbook Title VII 101....

    Fortunately we have been spared the first Title VII potus back to back with the first Title IX potus... we have been given at least a 4 yr breather in between...

  11. Ryan: "If I were President, I'd only appoint staff to the top posts in every Department to people who attended or taught at 7 of my favorite community colleges in poor urban and rural areas."

    What an inspired idea! But why not any community college, and the less well ranked the better?

    Can you imagine the cardiac arrests that would result in Princeton, Chicago, Harvard, Yale, Stanford, etc. At a stroke, it would see the deaths of thousands of neoliberal economists and political scientists. All the staff at the NYT, WP, CNN, CNBC, MSNBC, etc would commit suicide.

    For that reason alone, it's a damn fine idea.

    As for Fox, somebody is going to have go in there and torch the place and all the scum inside. That'll be down to Ryan. He proposed the idea...

  12. Matt, basing on discrimination... If corporations are people, could a corporation, theoretically, race for the presidential race? LOL Not discriminating against corporations.

    Now that would be something I would like to see, probably Apple could win the US elections.

  13. As Jimmy Dore (who's been tearing shit up btw) says, Democrats are just Republicans that are cool with abortion.

  14. It's long past time to think of Obama (or any President) as anything other than a tool of the Deep State. Trump will either faithfully follow the neocon/neoliberal agenda that Hillary gleefully embraced or be dispensed with. Nothing personal of course, it's just business.

  15. Obama isn't a coward. He gets what he wants to get done, not what YOU want to get done. And because he doesn't do what YOU want to get done, you call him a coward! Once you understand his politics and what HE wants to get done, you'll understand this isn't a question of cowardice, but a question of projecting YOUR desires on to a man who has diametrically opposing desires. You may as well have projected these ideals and desires on Dubya.

    Point taken.

    Still, Obama remains a mediocre and a liar and now becomes a demagogue, with all the other cockroaches surrounding him.

  16. "could a corporation, theoretically, race for the presidential race? "

    Trump sort of is this ... its like "The Trump Organization" in an LLC or something...

    So he points to his record of accumulating $bazillions of material wealth as his qualifications for a position of rule .... it worked...

    So we are now going to get a big gaggle of these uber material systems people to give it a go for at least 4 years ... imo it will get better in material terms with the trickle down and increasing rates and some substantial de-USD zombifying in the external sector.. ... perhaps too good...
