

Thursday, January 19, 2017

Alexandra Rosenmann — Elijah Cummings Has Ominous Warning: Congress Has Info on Trump That Would Shock Americans

“You’ve got to understand that members of Congress have a lot of information that the public does not have,” Cummings told CNN’s Chris Cuomo. "And I can tell you over the last week or two, the classified briefings that I have been to, and if the public knew what members of Congress know…”
"The information will come out later, at some point where I think the public will fully understand," Cummings said.…
Rocky road ahead?

Elijah Cummings Has Ominous Warning: Congress Has Info on Trump That Would Shock Americans
Alexandra Rosenmann

The FBI and five other intelligence and law enforcement agencies are working together on an investigation into whether Russia’s government secretly helped President-elect Donald Trump win the election, according to a new report.
The collaborative probe is partially focused on whether any covert money from the Kremlin financed hacking operations to benefit Trump’s campaign, McClatchy reported Wednesday.
Two people familiar with the matter told McClatchy the intelligence agencies involved include the FBI, the CIA, the National Security Agency (NSA) and representatives for the director of national intelligence. Two law enforcement agencies — the Justice Department and the Treasury Department’s Financial Crimes Enforcement Network — are also participating.
According to McClatchy, the interagency working group is informal and began scrutinizing possible Russian meddling in the 2016 presidential race last spring. A key mission of the six-agency team, it said, is examining who financed the email hacks of major Democratic Party sources last year....
The Hill
Events this past week make clear that Trump was serious about changing US policy toward Russia, and the enemies of détente know it. Lessons from the past.
There are enormous difficulties at achieving détente on the US side owing to the forces aligned against it. Perhaps the most serious obstacle in the Russian side is bitter experience of America as a country that does not keep it word and so agreements are meaningless.

The Nation
The Fight Over a Trump-Putin Détente Begins
Stephen F. Cohen | professor emeritus of Russian studies and politics at
New York University and Princeton University and a contributing editor of The Nation


  1. Shocking such as being a serial abuser/rapist of women like Bill Clinton?

    Too late. The God Emperor Ascendant Nationalist is the new sheriff in town, poised to obliterate the PC left in all it's forms, including Cumming's fakenews threat..

  2. The Russians stole the election by spreading the truth. How nefarious of them!

  3. Does anybody believe what congress says? An 11% approval rating speaks for itself.

  4. Shocking such as being a serial abuser/rapist of women like Bill Clinton?

    So what's one more serial abuser/rapist of women in the White House, right? ;)

    Anyway, good to see The God Emperor Ascendant Nationalist's pick for TS, Steve Mnuchin opine today at his confirmation hearing how he looks forward to paying down America's debt ;)

  5. lastgreek - Steve Mnuchin opine today at his confirmation hearing how he looks forward to paying down America's debt ;)

    Maybe he will use the $60 trillion coin to retire the debt - everybody into cash - no interest bearing instruments

    Obama almost used the coin - except that he did not understand how it could be done

  6. Unknown, I think you'll find this piece by Joseph Firestone interesting :)

    Forget the $1 Trillion Infrastructure Plan! Forget the $1 Trillion Coin!
