

Thursday, January 19, 2017

Dances with Bears — Chrystia Freeland’s Family Record for Nazi War Profiteering, and Murder of the Cracow Jews

Chrystia Freeland (lead image), appointed last week to be the new Canadian Foreign Minister, claims that her maternal family were the Ukrainian victims of Russian persecution, who fled their home in 1939, after Adolf Hitler and Josef Stalin agreed on a non-aggression pact and the division of Poland between Germany and the Soviet Union. She claims her mother was born in a camp for refugees before finding safe haven in Alberta, Canada. Freeland is lying.

The records now being opened by the Polish government in Warsaw reveal that Freeland’s maternal grandfather Michael (Mikhailo) Chomiak was a Nazi collaborator from the beginning to the end of the war. He was given a powerful post, money, home and car by the German Army in Cracow, then the capital of the German administration of the Galician region. His principal job was editor in chief and publisher of a newspaper the Nazis created. His printing plant and other assets had been stolen from a Jewish newspaper publisher, who was then sent to die in the Belzec concentration camp. During the German Army’s winning phase of the war, Chomiak celebrated in print the Wehrmacht’s “success” at killing thousands of US Army troops. As the German Army was forced into retreat by the Soviet counter-offensive, Chomiak was taken by the Germans to Vienna, where he continued to publish his Nazi propaganda, at the same time informing for the Germans on other Ukrainians. They included fellow Galician Stepan Bandera, whose racism against Russians Freeland has celebrated in print, and whom the current regime in Kiev has turned into a national hero.
Just before Vienna fell to the Soviet forces in March 1945, Chomiak evacuated with the German Army into Germany, ending up near Munich at Bad Worishofen. On September 2, 1946, when Freeland says her mother was born in a refugee camp, she was actually in a well-known spa resort for wealthy Bavarians. The US Army then controlled that part of Germany; they operated an Army hospital at Bad Worishofen and accommodated Chomiak at a spa hotel. US Army records have yet to reveal what the Americans learned about Chomiak’s war record, and how he was employed by US Army Intelligence, after he had switched from the Wehrmacht. It took Chomiak another two years before the government in Ottawa allowed the family to enter Canada.
The reason the Polish Government is now investigating Freeland is that Chomiak’s wartime record not only victimized Galician Jews, but also the Polish citizens of Cracow. In a salute to Freeland as a “great friend of Poland” by the Polish Embassy in Ottawa last week, Warsaw officials now believe a mistake was made….
Dances with Bears
Victim or Aggressor – Chrystia Freeland’s Family Record for Nazi War Profiteering, and Murder of the Cracow Jews


  1. Good. I'm glad someone is taking her down.

  2. John Bolton has some advice for Trump Re. Taiwan

  3. Bolton: "Let's see how an increasingly belligerent China responds" to provocation. Which is a variant of let's see how an increasingly belligerent Russia responds to provocation, and let's see how an increasingly belligerent Russia responds to provocation.

    Morons, and dangerous morons at that.

    Add Mad Dog Mattis to the mix as DEF SEC. The guy that thinks he is George Patton.

    Herr Drumpf is not going to be any better than Obummer or Killary and maybe worse.

  4. The repetition of "Russia" above should be "Iran."

  5. Yeah Iran might want to start freshening up the spider holes...
