

Sunday, January 22, 2017

Julie Matthaei — The Women’s March on Washington and the Coming of Age of Feminism

"Heaven has no rage like love to hatred turned, 
Nor hell a fury like a woman scorned." 
— spoken by Perez in Act 3, Scene 2, The Mourning Bride (1697) by William Congreve

Signs of the Fourth American Spiritual Awakening?


  1. If DJT's 1st term goes into a recession, imo there is gonna be a pretty nasty backlash on 'all fronts' but cultural issues is not as important. If not it will focus more on this.

  2. Nor hell a fury like a woman scorned.

    Don't forget grandma ;)

    David Axelrod ‏@davidaxelrod Jan 21
    My favorite homemade sign amid the crowd in DC, carried by a silver-haired woman: "Now You've Pissed Off Grandma!"

  3. "If DJT's 1st term goes into a recession, imo there is gonna be a pretty nasty backlash on 'all fronts' but cultural issues is not as important. If not it will focus more on this."

    He'll be toast if the former happens. He will also get more working class people who voted for him pissed off and forming coalitions with these other people to drive him out of office IMO. If he were smart, he'd do everything he can to really do what he said and rebuild our infrastructure, etc.

  4. David Axelrod ‏@davidaxelrod Jan 21
    My favorite homemade sign amid the crowd in DC, carried by a silver-haired woman: "Now You've Pissed Off Grandma!"

    There is a teaching in perennial wisdom, "Don't piss off Ma." Ma is the Great Mother. All women are her embodiments, just as men are the embodiment of the Almighty Father. The Great Mother is the power of the Almighty Father that brings out manifestation of the three worlds, gross, subtle and mental from the Unmanifest.

    In Qabalah, the Great Mother is called Shekhinah, identified with the Holy Spirit (Ruach Ha Kodesh) the Spirit of God (Ruach Elohim) and Wisdom (Chokhmah/Hokhmah).

    A word to the wise from the wise.

  5. This was a fanatical-leftist-crybaby-anti democratic-infantile-sore loser-primarily lily white and privileged women's march. Moronic symbolism over substance.

    The truly meaningful women's march took place on Nov 8th en route to voting booths dotting the land, which led to the God-Emperor Ascendant..

    And Tom's identity politics at every turn, multicultural mecca, is coming to full bloom in a likely all out civil war between the Ten or more America's of disparate identity and culture within her.

    So much for your liberal multi-ethnic/cultural utopia, Tom. Sad :)

  6. So much for your liberal multi-ethnic/cultural utopia, Tom. Sad :)

    I said that this dialectical conflict would occupy the 21st century and likely beyond. Full integration of the globe may take 500 years culturally.

    Whatever, it's been unleashed by advances in communications and transportation technology and it's not going away anytime soon.

  7. "This was a fanatical-leftist-crybaby-anti democratic-infantile-sore loser-primarily lily white and privileged women's march. Moronic symbolism over substance."

    What's the matter Malmo, worried about women marching, losing a bit of privelidge are you? Democracy isn't just for Christmas it's on going and protest is part of that. The only crybabies I can see is right wingers getting a bit should be.

  8. I somewhat agree with Tom that from a fleshly perspective this at core looks like a male/female thing... left is representative of female, right is representative of male....

    perhaps this male/female thing we can see is representative of what is really going on in the non-material realm....

  9. BTW, the kerfuffle over Trump's troubling relationship with women and the failure of the first female US presidential candidate provoking the widely attended Women's March is poster for the historical dialectic at work. This is now an obvious trend and a conflict in the making between two world views in this regard.

    After millennia of dominance of the patriarchal world view, the matriarchal world view is again assessing itself.

    Ma is waking up and getting ready to slay some demons.
