

Friday, January 20, 2017


back on the continent, its the same-old same-old... what a drag.


  1. Love the black and white. Highlights the dinosaur aspect of these politicians.

  2. Yeah the BW is appropriate... makes it look old...

    Its going to be up the the US to get the world out of all of their shit as usual...

    imo it still rests largely on US rate policy in that we need higher and higher rates from the Fed and all of this malaise goes away... Trump still looking a bit "frugal" to me so dont expect discretionary fiscal policy to be of a scale that will help the ROW, who are all USD zombies, too...

    Its going to have to be the non-discretionary fiscal via hopefully a significantly higher policy rate... only reasonable expectation imo....

  3. If Greece had defaulted a few years ago and set the drachma at some fraction of the Euro they would now having a thriving tourism economy and be well on the way to rebuilding the country. Instead they've allowed vulture capitalists to dismember the entire country, privatizing state resources and enforcing austerity to further destroy the government and the population.

    Institutionalized economic warfare for profit.

  4. Same as lawyer Obama with the coin.... Greece didnt understand the alternatives...

    Tspirias trained in Civil Engineering too somewhat surprisingly, although that is mostly statics... apparently you need a heavy dose of dynamics...

  5. They should have taken Schauble's offer: get out of the euro + debt restructuring.

    Victory was just around the corner but Tsipras walked away from it. Really sad!

  6. He didn't have the mandate from the people tbh.

    Most people in Europe are fervently pro-euro to a religious point because they can't connect the dots or understand how the current arrangement is unsustainable. Specially in Southern Europe business owners, middle-upper class etc. would rather provoque a coup than accept getting out of the euro.

    Is true too that whenever they want they go against popular vote, but unilaterally getting out of the euro is a very unpopular position yet in many countries.
