

Saturday, January 21, 2017

Patrick Armstrong — Trump Day One

My interest, as a non-American, is, first and foremost, in Washington’s future foreign policy (which really means, these days, war – there hasn’t been much of anything else this century). As I wrote four months ago “To me, the choice in the US election is utterly simple: the most important thing is stopping the perpetual wars of the New American Century.” I believed then and believe more strongly today that US President Trump carries the hope that this will be so....
The theme of his approach to foreign relations is this:
We will seek friendship and goodwill with the nations of the world – but we do so with the understanding that it is the right of all nations to put their own interests first.We do not seek to impose our way of life on anyone, but rather to let it shine as an example for everyone to follow.We will reinforce old alliances and form new ones – and unite the civilized world against Radical Islamic Terrorism, which we will eradicate completely from the face of the Earth.…
“The understanding that it is the right of all nations to put their own interests first“; when did we last hear an American President promise that? Indeed the theme of the Twenty-First Century has been that only “Exceptional America” has important interests. From a former Vice-President: “the most powerful, good and noble country in the history of mankind“; from a former President: “I believe America is exceptional, in part because we have shown a willingness… to stand up, not only for our own interests, but for the interests of all.” What other nation’s puny, erroneous and mundane interest can possibly stand against such glory, righteousness and sanctity?….
Russia Observer
Trump Day One
Patrick Armstrong


  1. Who is PA kidding. This was Trump on day 1:

    On His First Day in Office, Trump Raises Taxes on Middle-Class Homebuyers

  2. Lastgreek: "SAD!" As Trump would always say. It's gonna be a long 4 years.

  3. "inflationary!" to home prices just like raising the loan limit to 424k on Jan 1...

  4. Me, Myself and Iran starring Matt "Mad Dog" Franko and Sylvester Stallone.

  5. "and unite the civilized world against Radical Islamic Terrorism, which we will eradicate completely from the face of the Earth.…"

    This has Iran written all over it...

    Again the US targets the wrong country since the Radical Islamic Terrorism is based on AQ and ISIS, which are fundamentalist Sunni groups (Wahhabi, Salafi and other Takfiri), that are sponsored by US allies Saudi Arabia and Qatar.

    Iran is anti-Zionist, and Iran sponsors those resisting Zionist aggressive expansion. This is quite different from the radical Islamists whose goal is global submission to political Islam under sharia law and doesn't threaten US national interests directly other than who controls the Middle East, which is thousands of miles away from the US, which is self-sufficient in petroleum and natural gas.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. If DJT on his first day had pardoned Edward Snowden; said ES never should have been charged with anything in the first place (especially cravenly and through cowardice under the Espionage Act); and should be recognised and hailed as a benefactor of the people whom he sacrificed himself for (something the people who want to kill him would never do) - then, I might believe DJT has something. A little bit of sincerity. Remember, Snowden revealed the extent to which the US Deep State spies on its own population and around the world; and the 1.2 million people on their elevator list that carries these ‘dead men walking’ to the top and assassination. Little fish bunch up and swim in circles and get picked off by the big fish – because of fear. ES was courageous and put people ahead of his fear. But he showed what can be achieved, even by just one little fish. ES I can respect – DJT will have to prove himself to us all; and let’s hope he is not like No 44. I mean, how many do we have to elect – a 100, a 1000, 5000, before we get the drift?

    There is no way around it but for people all around the world to wake up, and say we want civilisation – not the jungle. We can’t leave it to the politicians – they are bloody hopeless! We human beings NEED to live in peace; and understand we MUST share the resources of this planet, so that human beings everywhere can thrive, enjoy and appreciate this incredible gift of life; be self reliant, have their dignity and pursue fulfilment. A human being comes to this earth, to learn, to grow, to be fulfilled. For me, this means to experience the peace within, to know without doubt, the Self. Then nobody can ‘define’ you away. You will not accept their silly definitions. Countries and corporations should be tools to help achieve this, not weapons or institutions of control. A human being has no country. A human being is a human being – it belongs to life. Dust to dust!

    We wandered out of Africa, probably to get away from our parents, with no idea what the C21st would look like – but we would not have chosen slavery or slaughter. We need to wake up, as people, and insist our planetary home is taken care of, and we live in peace with one another. The only way it will be ever possible for us to truly prosper as human beings, is to have peace and restore human dignity.

  8. We weren't independent in oil until we increased North American production by 6 Mbpd recently...

    We used to have more direct economic interest in the gulf... but this has changed ...

    If Iran was smart, and I'm sure it is not, it would realize this...

    This is a big fork in the road for Trump....

    Let's see what Iran says when we move the capital of Israel to Jerusalem this week....

  9. Here this could get cranked up right away:
