

Friday, January 27, 2017

Zero Hedge — China Says It Is Ready To Assume "World Leadership", Slams Western Democracy As "Flawed"

Without directly referencing the new president, China wrote that democracy has reached its limits, and deterioration is the inevitable future of capitalism, according to the People’s Daily, the flagship paper of China’s Communist Party. It devoted an entire page on Sunday to critiquing Western democracies, quoting former Chairman Mao Zedong’s 1949 poem asking people to "range far your eyes over long vistas" and saying the ultimate defeat of capitalism would enable Communism to emerge victorious.
"The emergence of capitalism’s social crisis is the most updated evidence to show the superiority of socialism and Marxism," said one of the People’s Daily articles.
"Western style democracy used to be a recognized power in history to drive social development. But now it has reached its limits," said another article on the same page. "Democracy is already kidnapped by the capitals and has become the weapon for capitalists to chase profits."
Called throwing down the gauntlet.

Zero Hedge
China Says It Is Ready To Assume "World Leadership", Slams Western Democracy As "Flawed"
Tyler Durden


  1. Maybe in a hundred years, if that. A multipolar world is the most likely outcome, and the most desirable. Washington's imperium will depend on the choices made in the next ten to twenty years. With Trump at the helm for what may be a decisive two terms, who the hell knows what the shape of multipolarity will be! The idea that China is going to displace Washington as some sort of world leader is fanciful. They're too far behind in all the areas that matter. As is often said, if you were to ask the common man in the street to name ten great American companies, he'd easily name twenty or possibly even fifty! If they were asked to do the same with Chinese companies, they'd be hard put to name one. And American universities are almost in a class of their own. China's going to be a significant power, but the idea that it'll take Washington's place isn't credible. But Washington has been known to make stupid decisions, and all empires crumble from within...

  2. "The emergence of capitalism’s social crisis is the most updated evidence to show the superiority of socialism and Marxism..."

    At least satire is flourishing in hyper-authoritarian hyper-capitalist China.

  3. I believe we are already in a multipolar world. Americans will be the last to notice.

  4. Wake me up when the ROW turns into CNY zombies...

  5. Let's see ... China is working on conversion to solar energy and are already the largest producer. They don't go around invading foreign countries for fun and profit. Retirement ages start at 50 and cap at 60. They are abandoning 'free-market' health care and have 95% public coverage.

    We could use that here.

  6. The only reason they are in solar is they think they can sell it to us to obtain USD balances... if it wasn't for that they wouldn't even be in it...

  7. The only reason they are in solar is they think they can sell it to us to obtain USD balances... if it wasn't for that they wouldn't even be in it..

    Matt, where do you get this stuff? Don't you realize that China has a paralyzing pollution problem that the leadership has set a high priority on addressing and is doing it using clean renewable tech?

    Of course, they are going to export what they make, all, since they have a huge advantage in economies of scale. That's not dumping. It's capitalism were smaller producers have to compete with larger ones that enjoy economies of scale.

    BTW, other emerging countries have a similar problem, India for example. I was on the phone with a tech in New Delhi the other day and he was complaining about how bad it is.

    I also have a professor friend that travels to Beijing to teach a couple of times a year. I was saying it was really nice he got to travel like that. He said, forget it. I dread going since the pollution is so terrible.

  8. In terms of efficiency and elegant logical systems, Capitalism and Democracy are worst. They produce terrible economic outcomes, the systems make no sense whatsoever and barely work in practice. But the freedom is nice. We can mock our President and throw out the annointed leaders with articulate policies because we disagree and want to go off on a tangent. If we couldn't, we'd be China, where the leaders are the billionaires. They make the laws, enforce the laws, sit in judgement on the laws and set the policy priorities. Imagine having only having Democrats in power all the time. It would be Detroit everywhere with elite party members and the under classes.

  9. Ryan, you might want to take a tour in America's incarceration industry.
