

Monday, February 20, 2017

Daniel Larison — McMaster Named as National Security Advisor

Bolton didn't get the national security advisor job but he is slated for some slot. Even conservatives are dismayed at that.

McMaster is a good choice given the circumstances. But he has been saying that the US is behind Russia in technology, so look for increase defense spending on high cost items and development funding.

The American Conservative
McMaster Named as National Security Advisor
Daniel Larison, senior editor


  1. But he has been saying that the US is behind Russia in technology, so look for increase defense spending on high-cost items and development funding. McMaster is 100% right. But it ain't just defense spending, meaning the ships and planes. Those are mere outcomes. It is R&D investment, which the US military excelled at once. All the commercial tech we've enjoyed came from military research. From Apple to Google. ALL of it. I've been saying for 15 years that Russia can clean our clock technologically. Fastest way for me to clear a room is to give one of my speeches about it, especially when I go on and on about their superior university education. Our kids spend their time on their phones, and their parents think that's so adorable. A generation lost.
