

Saturday, February 25, 2017

Trump reduces "debt!"

Trump out with this tweet this morning:

You can see what he is talking about here in Table III from yesterday's DTS:

We have to assume they are following this report.


  1. Looking at the DTS, but using the wrong lens. Morons.

  2. Somehow the link to the DTS isn't working for me, but these people are 100% morons and wouldn't know how to read their way out of a paper bag. SAD!

  3. To paraphrase from page 2 of Edward J. Delizio's book "The National Deb(i)t" the moronic behavior of Trump and his advisors stems from "a distinguish the completely separate monetary functions of the United States federal government from the monetary functions of everyone else." In other words as Keynes would tell us yet another example of fallacy of composition which human beings seem very fond of engaging in.

  4. Is it foreign savings that has been destroyed or US ?

    Trump is out to get foreign savings by the looks of things so he will be watching what happens to the $ zombies.

  5. I bet if Matt tweets Trump that he, unlike the perfidious NYT and CNN, reported the "debt" decrease, he'll surely get an invite to the next WH press briefing :)

  6. Please explain.

    Views reducing the national debt as something positive.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. We have to assume they are following this report [DTS]

    David S. Bernstein ‏@dbernstein
    On FOX & Friends Herman Cain just said that the media isn't telling you that Trump reduced the debt $12b in his 1st month.

    So, the "they" must be Herman Cain.

    As for Trump, not sure if he got it from FOX or from Bernstein's tweet above which came 30 mins before Trump's tweet. No way Trump read the DTS because, as we all know, he doesn't read.

    (via @ggreenwald)

  9. A sign of things to come? Trump wouldn't tweet this if he didn't mean to continue reducing the "debt". Or is this simply another imbecilic display of Trump's governing: minute by minute PR, whether or not it clashes with the bigger picture. We can only hope that Trump has another bout of the characteristic amnesia, or PR obsession, he displays so often and that he returns to his spend, spend, spend policies and forgets all about the "debt" as it soars past $30 trillion. If I had to guess, I'd say Trump is now a hardcore fiscal hawk, having surrounded himself with fiscal hawks. By this reckoning, there'll be no second term. There may not even be a whole first term, no matter how much he sucks up to the GOPhers with his newfound fiscal conservatism.

  10. Greek, boy would he get some questions that the remaining press corps wouldn't understand....

  11. Greek he reads the income statements... he's not in the academe...

    The DTS to him is his daily P&L...
