

Monday, February 20, 2017

Zero Hedge — German Minister Calls For 'Plan B': "Greece Should Pledge Gold, Real Estate For New Loans"

Greece is a lesson in wringing blood from stones.

Zero Hedge
German Minister Calls For 'Plan B': "Greece Should Pledge Gold, Real Estate For New Loans"
Tyler Durden


  1. This chart is significant:

  2. Surely the German Minister said this in private and it was leaked, because Matt has told us over and over that neoliberalism! is a "conspiracy".

  3. It's a figure of speech that represents certain policies....

  4. And btw pretty sad you guys have resort to linking to zero hedge to support your conspiracy theories... how low can you go...

  5. And btw pretty sad you guys have resort to linking to zero hedge to support your conspiracy theories... how low can you go...

    Actually, ZH is quoting an interview in Bild here. What's the problem?

    And now, according to an interview with Bild, the CSU politician said that: billions should only flow when Athens implemented all the reforms.

    Even then, however, aid should only be given against a pledge "in the form of cash, gold or real estate".

    Soeder added, "We need a plan B."

  6. Oh I get it... the whole Euro thing was a decades long clever plan hatched by the sneaky "neo-liberals!" to secretly get all the gold from Greece!!!

    Yes now I see what is really going on!!!!

  7. Michael Hudson explained it long ago.

  8. Yes, Matt! Hatched in secret, right out in the open!

  9. Greece should really have accepted that proposal by Schäuble to exit the euro with debt restructuring.

    A religious-like reverence for the euro made them refuse - and now the consequences are getting nastier by the day.

    Sometimes belief systems can become dangerous for your health, even life threatening. The Greek case is a striking illustration of that.

  10. "Oh I get it... the whole Euro thing was a decades long clever plan hatched by the sneaky "neo-liberals!" to secretly get all the gold from Greece!!!"

    No you don't get it because you're not competent enough to get it.

    To recognise and take advantage of new opportunities caused by earlier actions doesn't make it to a decades long plan or conspiracy.

    You would be able to understand that IF you were competent enough to not let your political bias get in the way of your reasoning.

  11. I have no political bias in any of this and am certainly more competent than any left people who have been involved...

    The left people there cant explain what is going on systemically and therefore why Greece is continuously having trouble meeting financial obligations...

    so they instead have to blame it on some "neo-liberal conspiracy!" theory...

    Look at Bill's thing today, now the ECB is inquiring about taking a larger role within the system acting as fiscal agent... Can't wait to see how the left has to shoehorn this fact into their big "neo-liberal conspiracy!" theory....

  12. Hey Magpie did you see what Warren is proposing:

    Dont tell me you guys now think Warren has been flipped and is in on the big bad "conspiracy!".

  13. "The left people there cant explain what is going on systemically and therefore why Greece is continuously having trouble meeting financial obligations..."

    Neither can the "right" people. And your proposed solution "we can tax everyone's account 100% at the end of the period and than give everyone money at the beginning of the next period" will never be enacted and wouldn't work because of bank runs. So you have your own competency issues to deal with, whether or not you want to pretend to be politically unbiased.

  14. And to repeat Matt, you are the only one who is claiming "conspiracy".

  15. "so they instead have to blame it on some "neo-liberal conspiracy!" theory..."

    I just spelled it out for you and still it went right above your head. Which shows you're not competent enough to discuss these matters as you always fall back on your ascribing technique where you blame others for some conspiracy thinking while they don't do that at all.

    Of course you have political bias when you ascribe this and that to some ill defined "left". But I don't expect you to recognize it as it requires some self knowledge.
