

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Zero Hedge — "It's Absolutely Out Of Control": Did Trump Just Spoil The Deficit-Spending Party?

Taking away the punchbowl? Sounds like signing on to the Ryan budget?

Zero Hedge
"It's Absolutely Out Of Control": Did Trump Just Spoil The Deficit-Spending Party?
Tyler Durden


  1. Is there any surprise? What did you Americans expect from that downright fool and complete narcissistic moron who now occupies the White House?

    Tom, I bet you can guess who I just paraphrased above :)

  2. greek its all a clever complicated plan to get all the gold from Greece I tell you!!!!

    This is the whole prime objective of the vast "neo-liberal conspiracy!"...

    all of these people are morons like a fox!!!

  3. greek its all a clever complicated plan to get all the gold from Greece I tell you!!!!

    Oh for moussakas' sake, Matt! All gold in Greece, including all the gold jewelry and all the gold dental crowns of the Greeks, be they alive or dead -- ALL the gold has already been pledged to Lockheed Martin Aeronautics for the new batch of fighter jets (F-35) that Greece will receive.

    Tensions escalate in Aegean after Turkish boat fires shots

  4. It's going down bitches! I got a bit ahead of myself with a call to worsening economy in late 2016 but I think next months we are going to see everything coming together including control of Wonderboy Ryan of Congress.

    I see Mike is turning increasingly bearish too. This may curve a stagflation scenario at least.

    "Hope" passes, folks, gotta get past the partisan bias.

  5. That American soldier missed the party.

  6. Even more inconsistency in case there wasnt enough:

    Mnuchin: "Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin Praises Stronger Dollar"

    My pea brain is just not sophisticated enough to figure out this diabolical plan of these neo-liberals!

  7. We're screwed in the short-run thanks to that moron Trump and the other loony tunes he appointed. I'm with Mike here on things becoming more bearish soon.

  8. So much for Trump being a "materials" or "systems" guy. He's given up the fight before even entering the ring, but why did we ever believe he was anything other than a wimpish clown on fiscal matters? Because he once said that America can print money? After that one faux pas he reverted to typical fiscal "conservative" moron mode. Watch out for Trump inviting some unsuspecting visitor to smell the flower on his lapel, only to be met with a squirt of water.

    Trump's a world champion screwball, and nobody knows what he's going to do next, especially Trump himself. From the past month's showing, it's probably safe to say that the only choices rattling around in Trump's kooky noggin are stupid or mad, certainly nothing intelligent or useful. A man who can't stop blabbering like a crackpot about how he won by the the biggest margin in intergalactic history clearly has issues other than wanting to bang his own daughter, which is worrying enough, let alone his YUGE part in the fanatically racist birtherism scandal.

  9. No one knows "materials" or "systems" like Trump. Trump has it all figured out. His plan is to act and talk like a fool as a false front while behind the scenes fine tune the"systems" for benefit of ordinary folks. It's going to become great!

    Lefties with their neo-liberal conspiracy theories can't figured this out as they don't understand "systems".

  10. I agree John

    Trump is a "brand" guy. He is ALL about image and illusion. There is nothing substantial or material to him.

  11. You guys have had your 8+ years and havent gotten anywhere...

    There are no details Mnuchin was just approved last week...

    We can have increased domestic employment and output with smaller ex post deficits no problem... you guys are drinking the MMT-lite again...

    Looks like details are planned for release March 15 that is also when the debt ceiling goes back in force and the Fed meets... Ides of March...

  12. With the exception of Bannon and Flynn (who is now gone), Trump has surrounded himself with advisers who are antithetical to all the positions he espoused while on the campaign trail. It's no surprise he's turning out like this. The guy is a fool.

    And they'll probably find a way to get rid of Bannon or at least marginalize him if they haven't already.

  13. Regardless of Trump's buffoonery, it would turn out the same regardless of who was in the Oval Office. Just imagine the forces that would be lined up against Bernie if he had somehow won - the MIC, "intelligence" services, Wall St., REPS, DEMs, Supremes, the health insurance / care / pharma complex, etc., etc.

    The time for torches and pitchforks is at hand.

    Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable. -- JFK

  14. Regardless of Trump's buffoonery, it would turn out the same regardless of who was in the Oval Office. Just imagine the forces that would be lined up against Bernie if he had somehow won - the MIC, "intelligence" services, Wall St., REPS, DEMs, Supremes, the health insurance / care / pharma complex, etc., etc.

    Exactly. This is the problem in a liberal democracy where the people when the people elect someone to represent their interests as an "outsider." If with the best intentions, the person finds that the interests of the people are often antithetical to the "knowledge of the experts" that immediately set out to turn the outsiders that have been elected into "insiders."

    In this the "experts" are aided by the fact that the former outsiders are now in the bubble and soon loose tough with the outside.

    This is called "the learning curve."

  15. "If with the best intentions" should be "even with the best intentions."

    "loose tough" should be "lose touch."

  16. I very much prefer long articles, hope some of you here feel the same. So, I'll just drop this one here:

    Killer, kleptocrat, genius, spy: the many myths of Vladimir Putin

    Russia’s role in Trump’s election has led to a boom in Putinology. But do all these theories say more about us than Putin?

  17. Sovereign debt, being risk-free*, should yield no more than 0% to avoid welfare proportional to wealth. And that's for the longest maturity sovereign debt so NEGATIVE yields should be expected for shorter maturities with fiat account balances at the central bank (a.k.a. "reserves" in the case of depository institutions) costing the most**.

    So the question is, why isn't the National Debt of the US earning revenue instead of being welfare proportional to wealth?

    Also, negative yields/interest on Sovereign Debt could be used to reverse wealth inequality to some extent since the poor would have unused negative interest-free account space at the central bank that they might rent to banks and the rich.

    *except for physical fiat, a.k.a. "cash", coins and bills, which can be lost, stolen, etc.
    ** with an individual citizen exemption of, say, $250,000 since some risk-free initial capital formation and liquidity should not be punished.
