

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

John Ross — The economic logic behind Trump's foreign policy - why the key countries are Germany and China

This article was published in Chinese before the recent summit between Chancellor Merkel and President Trump - which strongly confirmed its analysis.
The first steps by Trump as US President confirmed that he will pursue an anti-China policy but also that he will use different tactics to Obama and Clinton. Simultaneously Trump has launched a serious conflict with Germany, supporting countries leaving the EU and demanding European states rapidly increase their military spending – policies rejected by Merkel at the recent Munich Security Conference. What, therefore, is the internal logic uniting such apparently different actions as:
Maybe Trump is playing 4-D chess? Is Trump just taking a different approach to US dominance rather than flailing about wildly as it appears to many?

Socialist Economic Bulletin
John Ross


  1. The US has been one of the key architects of the EU from its inception, and it's still trying to mould it into something to its advantage: the accession of the former communist states, the push for Turkey to join, the UK's former role in checking further German consolidation of its power. Now, suddenly, because Trump has decided, it's in US interests to see its breakup? The deep state and many other powerful actors will have a lot to say about this. Making Germany an enemy isn't the wisest decision, especially by doing it publicly rather than surreptitiously. This is a policy that'll soon die. Thinking isn't Trump's strongest qualities, and thinking aloud about breaking up the EU, demanding $200 billon from Germany, or demanding China asks permission before building military bases makes him look crazier than he already is.

  2. Trump just does whatever the hell he wants good or bad. I don't think the guy even reads much either.

  3. 4D chess? LOL

    I love it when powers of intellect and subtlety are attributed to this moron. Especially where transparently blatant blunders are concerned.

  4. "4D chess? LOL

    I love it when powers of intellect and subtlety are attributed to this moron. Especially where transparently blatant blunders are concerned."

    Yup I've seen lots of people on YouTube try to pull that sh*t. Even some lefties. Mind boggling they will attribute even his farts as some stroke of genius.

  5. Will it take the American public as much time to recognize Trump for what he is, as it did with Obama?

  6. Media influence aside (and shrinking rapidly) we're talking about deep-seated biases here. Some still love BO. I guess that after the shit level rises from chin to upper lip people long for the good old days ...
