

Monday, March 20, 2017

Xinhua — FM: China, U.S. can avoid Thucydides Trap, Kindleberger Trap

China and the United States can sidestep the Thucydides Trap and the Kindleberger Trap and jointly chart bilateral ties from a long-term perspective, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi said Monday in Beijing.…
The Thucydides Trap refers to a warning by the ancient Greek historian that cataclysmic war can erupt if a rising power causes fear in an established power.
The two countries will not fall to the Kindleberger Trap either, Wang said, as a single country cannot provide all public goods for the world with such complexity, and international cooperation is the only possible choice.
Charles Kindleberger, an intellectual architect of the Marshall Plan who later taught at MIT, believes that the disastrous decade of the 1930s was caused by the U.S. replacing Britain as the largest global power but failing to take on Britain's role in providing public goods.
Applauding U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson's remarks during his recent visit to China, Wang said that China stands ready to advance bilateral ties from a strategic perspective.
Tillerson said that the United States and China should jointly chart bilateral ties for the next 50 years and plan all-round cooperation.…
China stands ready to shoulder its due international responsibilities, but never wants to lead the world, Wang said.
FM: China, U.S. can avoid Thucydides Trap, Kindleberger Trap
Xinhua | Editor: Gu Liping


China's door opens wider to outside world: premier
Xinhua | Editor: Gu Liping


  1. As far as I can tell, Charles Kindleberger was the only intelligent economist to have ever worked at MIT. The rest have been total bastards to the core.

    1. There are other good MIT economists - for instance, Lance Taylor who is now at the New School for Social Research.

  2. Funny thing is ... if you were to ask Trump about avoiding the "Thucydides Trap," he'd probably reply, "Isn't that that Greek diner on the corner of Broadway and 112th Street? Yeah, I Ate there once and the food was fabulous!" ;)

  3. lastgreek, very funny. Or he thinks it's a sexually transmitted disease.

    "Thankfully I've never had the Thucydides Trap. I've banged so many hot broads, like REALLY hot, and I left them so satisfied. Broads, not women. Political correctness is killing this country. Banging all those broads and leaving them so satisfied was my Vietnam. So satisfied because, you know, I'm packing big time. BIG time. Like really YUGE. You know what I'm talking about. Do I need to spell it out? Big hands, big satisfaction. YUGE hands, YUGE satisfaction. Fantastic hands. I've got the best hands. Winning hands make for a winning pussy. I never said that, even though you've recorded me saying it. The lying mainstream media - the failing mainstream media, except for Breitbart and Fox. So I've been lucky not to catch the Thucydides Trap, whatever that is. It sounds like the clap, so I'll just assume it is. And if it isn't, I never said what I said."
