

Sunday, April 9, 2017

Alexander Mercouris — Here’s the 5 reasons why Donald Trump’s missile strike was a massive blunder


The Duran
Here’s the 5 reasons why Donald Trump’s missile strike was a massive blunder
Alexander Mercouris


  1. So, this just in:

    Trump officials broadcast president's plan for Syria: wait for global response

    Three of Trump’s top officials delivered that message to the public, careful to sidestep the president’s long history of contradictory statements and his love of a “flexible” negotiating position. In doing so, they sketched a foreign policy as reactive and mutable as the commander-in-chief himself.

    I think they're taking the Russians for saps.

  2. That's not a plan, in the first place, and secondly, different US officials are saying apparently different things, apparently oppositional, while the tweeter-in-chief goes golfing.

  3. Trump has not set a clear policy or direction on anything for anyone to follow. He does not have a loyal cadre of supporters to depend on and is surrounded by stooges and Trojan horses. Add to that the serious jockeying for position and power by various political factions (Deep State, parties, party factions, etc.) and the result is absolute chaos.

  4. Chump is everything he accused Obummer of being. He's going to golf more on weekends than he ever did, yet the simpletons try to justify this as because he's doing it at Mar-a-lago and not at some government entity that makes it okay and it's saving taxpayers money lol.

  5. Chump doesn't even have a Dick Cheney by his side now. Steve Bannon seems on the way out and losing the battle. Who else will feed his ego now? He should have ran as a Democrat if he wanted to be loved and never pulled that birther nonsense.

  6. I could understand that turd worlders Syria couldn't field armor but why isn't Russia just giving the Syrian army some armor and then they could just take the chemical facilities that they instead just bombed from x 1,000 feet and created this poison cloud (at best!)...

    Are Syria and Russia committed to this mission or not?

  7. ...but why isn't Russia just giving the Syrian army some armor..

    The rebels were asking the Americans for some serious firepower, too. I think there was even a specific request for stinger missiles. Thank God they said no to them. I'd never get on a plane to Greece again or anywhere overseas, for that matter!

  8. If the McMaster thing is true he is saying just send in 150,000 and kick all of their sorry asses...

  9. ...but why isn't Russia just giving the Syrian army some armor.

    They did. When was it? September: 2013? 2014? The Russians were officially invited (and authorized) by the Syrian government to train, represent, and supply the Syrian Army against ISIS and the AQ, Al-Nusra rebels (American-backed!).

  10. If the McMaster thing is true he is saying just send in 150,000 and kick all of their sorry asses...

    And as Gen. Shinseki said about Iraq, it would take 500,000 troops to occupy it afterward. The neocons brushes off saying that the Iraqis would greet us with flowers.

    Same stuff with Afghanistan, and Iraq, and Libya, and now they want to do Syria, Iran and NK, before moving on to partitioning Russia and China?

    Plus it's going to be a hard sell to the US public, who are now wary of military adventures. Sure you can fire them up with some pictures of mutilated children but that lasts only so long.

  11. If the McMaster thing is true he is saying just send in 150,000 and kick all of their sorry asses...

    #1 - I doubt he would be that reckless. He’s known for being a scholar general and a brilliant strategist.

    #2 - he wouldn’t telegraph it.

    #3 - Russia maintains ports and bases in Syria.

  12. #4 - it's illegal. The Constitution says Congress has to authorize. And the UN treaty that we are signatories to specifies about attacking any country we want to bomb that (1) it must be in self-defense, and (2) barring self-defense, a majority vote from the UN Security Council, like we got in 2001 to bomb Afghanistan.

  13. And now it's being reported that the US is telling Russia to back off. This is not going to end well.

  14. Weird how the Chinese media is basically silent about Xi's meeting with Trump and Trump is mum too.

    They have something big up their sleeves, I think. Economically and militarily, I'll bet we see something different. By bombing Syria, Trump is under less pressure to be militarily aggressive with China. All his neocons were off focused on Syria while he worked with China with nationalists. Brilliant move. Syria and Russia are basically irrelevant to the United States but for keeping our warrior class amused and strategizing.

  15. And it's five, six, seven,
    Open up the pearly gates,
    Well there ain't no time to wonder why
    Whoopee! we're all gonna die.

    Country Joe and the Fish

    50 years later, I'm tired of this shit.

  16. Tillerson: China agrees on 'action' on North Korea as navy strike group sails

    April 9th article.

  17. "#3 - Russia maintains ports and bases in Syria."

    And US would use them...

    Trump is trying to get Russia to handle the Syria problem and China to handle the NK problem...

    Trump is growing frustrated with both Russia and China apparent incompetence on these matters...

  18. Trump is growing frustrated with both Russia and China apparent incompetence on these matters...

    The US assumes no one is allowed to have national interests and priorities but the US and anyone who doesn't fall into line with US interests and priorities is a target because "American exceptionalism," where "exceptionalism" really means imperialism.

  19. Here this is the thinking:

    "UK: Russia Responsible by Proxy for Syria Chemical Deaths"

    Russia has to up their game....

  20. Russia has to up their game....

    That means that Russia has to do what the US says or the US will whack it.

  21. #4 - it's illegal. The Constitution says Congress has to authorize. And the UN treaty that we are signatories to specifies about attacking any country we want to bomb that (1) it must be in self-defense, and (2) barring self-defense, a majority vote from the UN Security Council, like we got from the UNSC in 2001 to bomb Afghanistan.
