

Monday, April 3, 2017

Ariel Ezrachi and Maurice Stucke —

In a series of papers published in the last two years, Ezrachi and Stucke explored the world of big data and artificial intelligence and argued that network effects can raise barriers to entry, enabling big platforms to engage in behaviors such as collusion, tacit collusion, and price discrimination, to the detriment of consumers. Their recent book Virtual Competition (Harvard University Press, 2016) explores the changing nature of competition in the age of big data and algorithms.

In a brief interview with ProMarket, Ezrachi and Stucke shared some thoughts on market power and the digital economy.... 
“Our New Economy Enables the Winners to Capture Much More of the Welfare”
Ariel Ezrachi, Slaughter and May Professor of Competition Law, a Fellow of Pembroke College, Oxford, and Director of the University of Oxford Centre for Competition Law and Policy; and Maurice Stucke, a co-founder of the law firm the Konkurrenz Group and law professor at the University of Tennessee

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