

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Don Quijones — Trump Flips On Five Core Key Campaign Promises In Under 24 Hours

Blink, and you missed Trump’s blistering, seamless transformation into a mainstream politician.
In the span of just a few hours, President Trump flipped to new positions on several core policy issues, backing off on no less than five repeated campaign promises....
Hey, if you can't drain the swamp, you can outdo the swamp.

You heard, "If you can't beat 'em, join 'em." That's not Trump's style. He's modified it to, "If you can beat 'em, lead 'em."


  1. In an announcement that rocked currency markets, Trump told the WSJ that the U.S. dollar “is getting too strong” and he would prefer the Federal Reserve keep interest rates low.

    Yes, that should do the trick. Cut those rates bigly!

  2. He's actually rebuilding the swamp. Will be good for him finding a hideout after he starts WWIII

  3. Way to go Two Corinthians Drumpf. Double down on the swampy gunk BIGLY.

    I don't even think he'll need a hangout. The impeachment will be his way out of all of this so he can pump up bullshit (ghostwritten) books about his time as presidency, pimp them to the supporters that are even left (if there are even any, I saw one on YouTube that told people "you're free to leave America if you don't like Trump and that he's gonna make America great again" lol, so there will be diehards out there even then), and probably try to get Trump TV off the ground.

  4. This is yuge progress. In less than 3 months Trump accomplished what it took BO a year to do.

  5. Good maybe the Fed will now shift focus to reducing the reserves instead of their rate ...

  6. Well he has to find time to golf, so the promises go the same way as educating the unsuspecting marks at Trump University. Remember how the obese and monosyllabic antichrist vilified Obummer for golfing? There are contradictory reports of Obummer either not golfing at all in his first hundred days or golfing just the once. As of yesterday, the obese antichrist has found time to golf EIGHTEEN times. Perhaps he'll play a few rounds today, taking the number steadily to, what, about 400 days during his term of office. In four years, he'll have spent a YEAR playing golf.

    I say let him play golf all day and every day - that way the human race may survive. Before the obese antichrist's inauguration (you know, the one that was so big that you could see it from Mars), military and intelligence officials were warning that their greatest concern was North Korea. US policy for a long time now has been to manage the problem and not let it spin out of control. But these officials went on to warn that the obese antichrist is so unpredictable and volatile that he may unintentionally start a world war. One misstep can lead to another more dangerous misstep until all the missteps end in war. I think they were being unduly generous: the obese antichrist's actions aren't missteps. He's stupid, monosyllabic, clumsy and mad. For good measure, he also gets his news from Breitbart and Fox, and for a long time had a copy of Hitler's speeches on his bedside table.

    As much as the New York real estate industry despised and still despises Trump for his crassness, vulgarity, fraud, colossal mendacity and willingness to do absolutely anything to con someone out of a buck, they all to a man and woman say the one thing he's good at is advertising himself and selling a lie. Say what you like, it certainly worked. Whatever happened to all those promises to drain the swamp? A hundred days is a long time in politics - well much fewer in fact, as many of them were spent golfing. Wonder where we'll be in another hundred days. I haven't read the Book of Revelation in a long time, but it's disconcerting to say the least that the antichrist turned out to be obese and monosyllabic. I rather envisioned a mix of Oscar Wilde, Cary Grant and JFK.

  7. Trump is the physical antithesis of the Roman Emperor Commodus.
